Marketing sheet 1
Marketing Fact Sheet 3-4 pages double spaced
Purpose of Assignment:The marketing fact sheet that you create in this assignment using research-based data will be an important tool for you to use to market the APN role.
List the topic as a SEPARATE HEADING prior to the presentation of the bullet points for that article.
FOR EACH of the articles (in total 7, it should look like this):
ARTICLE NAME 1 (as a heading)
– – 2- 3 sentence introduction of the article/study followed by bullet points
– brief closing statement two sentences
ARTICLE NAME 2 (as a heading)
– – 2- 3 sentence introduction of the article/study followed by bullet points
– brief closing statement two sentences
Example bullet points:
– nurse practitioners in nursing homes reduce the total costs of caring for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias by treating a broad array of their medical problems, such as gastrointestinal and genitourinary conditions, that often lead to expensive hospital visits.
– costâ€saving reductions in hospitalization were associated with care management led by nurse practitioners.
(these were copied, so dont use these examples or at least paraphrase them).
1. Outcomes of care 6 points (must have at least 2 articles)
2. Quality of care provided 6 points (must have at least 3 articles)
3. Cost-effectiveness of care 6 points (must have at least 2 articles)
4. Format, grammar, appearance, creativity 2 points
Requirement: – Minimum of 7 separate PRIMARY research articles regarding APN practice must be cited (using APA 6th format) – Articles DOI must be turned in with the paper. (ONLY provide DOI with link in uploaded copy)
Additional Instructions:
You can provide copies to prospective employers, bankers approached for small business loans, news reporters, your mother, patients, policy wonks – you get the idea.
Make the facts sing for you – be creative!
You will learn how to work these research facts into your everyday conversations, much to the dismay of your close friends.
Assignment: Develop a 3-4 page summary (minimum) of key RESEARCH findings regarding the process and outcomes of advanced nursing practice:
***(select one (1) specific APN role- nursing leaders, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, etc.).
(Do NOT use articles about the APN role or describing the role.
Find specific research articles OR the entire article will be deducted for 10 points.)
Provide bulleted points of key findings with additional research information (e.g., sample size, sample health status, healthcare setting, specific outcomes, etc).
You must provide enough specific information about the study so the research findings are not vague and they can be understood in context (see example below).
Provide appropriate citations for each finding. Use complete sentences.
***Majority of key points must focus on patient outcomes related to APN practice (e.g., patient satisfaction, reduced incidence of hospitalization, improved health status, etc.)
***Also include focus on quality of care and cost-effectiveness of APN care (You must have articles that address these outcomes also.)
***You will lose points for bullet points that are too vague or too limited to be able to “understand†the study
***You will also lose points if you write a narrative paper. This is NOT a regular paper.
***Consider drawing the conclusion for the reader for each article or finding (see example below). An example of brief overview of an article that addresses outcomes: A large randomized study of 3000 adult patients in public clinics was conducted in NYC. Patients were managed by NPs and physicians for six months measuring physiologic variables for HTN, diabetes, and asthma outcomes. Measures of A1C, BP, and asthma exacerbations resulted in essentially no difference in outcomes between the two provider groups indicating competency of the NPs to manage these chronic illnesses as well as physicians (Mundinger, et al, 2000).
(If the fact sheet assignment paper is too poorly written to read, there will be a 5 point deduction that cannot be redeemed). Please use the university writing center for consultation if you are not a strong writer prior to submitting the paper. Articles should be current within the past 5-7 years.
The studies do not have to be in your specialty area but you should try to find these as they will benefit you more. International studies are not as powerful because of different healthcare systems and different cultures but can be used if necessary to count as 1-2 articles. Be sure you have selected research articles—you must have the article with the primary findings, not a secondary mention.
Use the following articles
Cost Effectiveness (2 articles)
Chenoweth, D., Martin, N., Pankowski, J., & Raymond, L. W. (2008). Nurse practitioner services: Threeâ€year impact on health care costs.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 50, 1293–1298.
Bauer, J. C. 2010. Nurse practitioners as an underutilized resource for health reform: Evidence-
based demonstrations of cost-effectiveness. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse
Practitioners 22 (4): 228-231.
Outcomes of care 6 points (must have at least 2 articles) Choose the best 2
Paez, K. and Allen, J. 2006. Cost-effectiveness of nurse practitioner management of
hypercholesterolemia following coronary revascularization, Journal of the American
Academy of Nurse Practitioners 18 (9): 436-444
Borgmeyer, A., Gyr, P.M., Jamerson, P.A., and Henry, L.D. 2008. Evaluation of the role of the pediatric nurse practitioner in an inpatient asthma program. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 22 (5): 273-281.
Counsell, S.R., Callahan, C.M., Clark, D.O., Tu, W., Buttar, A.B., Stump, T.E., and Ricketts, G.D. 2007. Geriatric care management for low-income seniors: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association 298 (22): 2623-2633.
Lenz, E.R., Mundinger, M.O., Kane, R.L., Hopkins, S.C., and Lin, S.X. 2004. Primary care outcomes in patients treated by nurse practitioners or physicians: Two-year follow-up. Medical Care Research and Review 61 (3): 332-351
Quality of care provided 6 points (must have at least 3 articles)
Stanik-Hutt, J., Newhouse, R., White, K., Johantgen, M., Bass, E., & Zangaro, G. et al. (2013). The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners. The Journal For Nurse Practitioners, 9(8), 492-500.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2013.07.004
Kuo, Y.-F., Chen, N.-W., Baillargeon, J., Raji, M. A., & Goodwin, J. S. (2015). Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations in Medicare Patients With Diabetes. Medical Care, 53(9), 776–783. doi: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000000406
Tsai, C.-L., Sullivan, A. F., Ginde, A. A., & Camargo, C. A. (2010). Quality of emergency care provided by physician assistants and nurse practitioners in acute asthma. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 28(4), 485–491. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2009.01.041