Levels of Achievement

Levels of Achievement

9/7/2021 Fort Bliss MLC Resident Class 010-21

https://alc.ncoes.army.mil/webapps/rubric/do/course/manageRubrics?dispatch=view&context=course&rubricId=_269030_1&course_id=_3508_1 1/3

REVISED White Paper Rubric

The White Paper is assessed on: Introduction; Body Content; Organization, Structure, and Transition; Evidence Supporting Discussion Point of View; Grammar, Spelling, and Style; Directly Quoted Material; and Conclusion. The individual section (history, problem, position, or solution) will be combined with the other group member’s section to form a comprehensive paper. Collaboration within the group is assessed through the introduction and conclusion, and may include facilitator observation.

Levels of Achievement

Criteria Does Not MeetStandard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Far Exceeds Standard

Introduction – Group

10 % Does not convey topic. No evidence of collaboration. No introduction of main points. Assertion was unclear.

70 % Conveys topic, but not assertion key question(s). Demonstrates collaboration by describing subtopics to be discussed. Assertion statement clearly tied to the topic.

80 % Meets Standard plus, clearly presents key questions connected to the assertion. Provides sufficient background information on the topic. Assertion clearly supports an answer to the question(s).

100 % Exceeds Standard plus, explains what is known about the problem. Describes previous attempt(s) to solve it. Assertion describes what will happen if nothing is done.

Section Body Content (history, problem, position, solution) – Individual

10 % Description does not show relevance. Does not provide examples. Major points do not support assertion. Description showed little to no analysis.

70 % Description makes the relevance clear. Some examples are vague in application. Major points partially support the assertion. Most of the analysis used research appropriate for the issue.

80 % Meets Standard plus, description provides meaningful data supporting the main idea. Examples directly support the main idea. Major points address implications or consequences. Analysis showed sound reasoning.

100 % Exceeds Standard plus, description contains sufficient detail using predictions from the data. Provides examples relevant to the audience. Major points address some of the key questions from the introduction. Analysis connects evidence to clearly support the issue.



Rubric Detail

Weight 15.00%

Weight 20.00%



9/7/2021 Fort Bliss MLC Resident Class 010-21

https://alc.ncoes.army.mil/webapps/rubric/do/course/manageRubrics?dispatch=view&context=course&rubricId=_269030_1&course_id=_3508_1 2/3

Levels of Achievement

Criteria Does Not MeetStandard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Far Exceeds Standard

Section Organization, Structure, and Transition – Individual

10 % Did not use headings. Material is not organized. No transitions.

70 % Material mostly organized under headings. Most material organized by subtopics. Transitions are mostly evident.

80 % Meets Standard plus, headings provide the general topic of subsequent material. Material organization supports the writer’s topic. Transitions connect major and minor points.

100 % Exceeds Standard plus, headings contain the key point of subsequent material. Material organization presents a logical flow of ideas. Transitions are mostly clear and smoothly link paragraphs. Transitions link previous and next section.

Section Evidence Supporting Discussion Point of View – Individual

10 % The section cited less than three sources. Sources do not support writer’s point of view.

70 % This section cited three sources. Most sources used explain and support writer’s point of view. Material vaguely related to subtopic, main topic.

80 % The section Meets Standard plus, some sources are scholarly in nature e.g. doctrine. Material clearly supported the subtopic, main topic.

100 % The section Exceeds Standard plus, some sources are peer-reviewed research based. Material clearly supported the subtopic, main topic by providing pertinent evidence.

Section Grammar, Spelling, and Style – Individual

10 % The section contains more than four grammatical/spelling errors per page that interfere with meaning. Word choice is not appropriate for topic and audience. Does not follow APA formatting guidelines for layout. Sentences are mostly passive.

70 % The section contains no more than four grammatical/spelling errors per page that interfere with meaning. Word choice is mostly appropriate for topic and audience. Follows current APA formatting guidelines for layout. Sentences are mostly active.

80 % The section contains no more than three grammatical/spelling errors per page interfere with meaning. Meets Standard plus, word choice is formal English. Sentences are mostly clear.

100 % The section contains no more than two grammatical/spelling errors per page that interfere with meaning. Exceeds Standards plus, used concise and appropriate vocabulary. Sentences are mostly concise/to the point.

Section Directly Quoted Material – Individual

10 % The section contains 25% or more directly quoted material.

70 % The section contains 16-24% directly quoted material.

80 % The section contains 6-15% directly quoted material.

100 % The section contains No more than 5% directly quoted material.

Weight 20.00%

Weight 20.00%

Weight 5.00%

Weight 5.00%



9/7/2021 Fort Bliss MLC Resident Class 010-21

https://alc.ncoes.army.mil/webapps/rubric/do/course/manageRubrics?dispatch=view&context=course&rubricId=_269030_1&course_id=_3508_1 3/3

Levels of Achievement

Criteria Does Not MeetStandard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard Far Exceeds Standard

Conclusion – Group

10 % No evidence of collaboration, missing the main aspects. No conclusion or does not support the assertion. Conclusion is disconnected from the rest of the paper or introduces new ideas.

70 % Demonstrates collaboration by restating the main aspects of the paper. Restates the assertion. Does not introduce any new ideas.

80 % The section Meets Standard plus, summarizes the main aspects of the paper. Paraphrases the assertion.

100 % The section Exceeds Standard plus, includes relevant details from subtopics. Reinforces the assertion through concise explanation.

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Weight 15.00%

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