Legal issues as it relates to Negligence/Malpractice for children/adolescence

Legal issues as it relates to Negligence/Malpractice for children/adolescence

Legal issues as it relates to Negligence/Malpractice for children/adolescence
Legal issues as it relates to Negligence/Malpractice for children/adolescence

Children/adolescence is also at risk for legal issues relating to negligence/malpractice, which can be devastating since the child and family usually put their trust in the practitioner. There are multiple lawsuits involving child practitioners and therapist. Children/adolescence practitioners sometimes needs the input of a third party in order to treat and medicate a child. For example, if a child is not performing well at school and it is suspected that mental health issues may be the root cause, the child’s teacher might have to get involved by gathering data pertaining to the child’s actions and performance in class. Legal actions filed against the practitioner/therapist can be related to an error such as over medicating or for something that was not done. Sometimes practitioners have to break doctor-patient confidentiality trust to inform the necessary individuals if the patient is at harm or planning to hurt someone. The parents of the individual should be informed and even if they do not consent, some situations have to be reported to the proper authority once harm is a factor (Dhadphale, 2019).

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