IT Department in Healthcare: Identify your Critical Infrastructure Industry in your organization. Share any unique IG requirements for this industry

Executive Summary (Abstract – ½ page) (Topic: IT Department in Healthcare)

IT Department in Healthcare
IT Department in Healthcare

Introduction (including industry discussion – 1 page) (Topic: IT Department in Healthcare)

Executive Program Group Presentation Assignment

At the University, it is a priority that students are provided with vital educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment and presentation where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their careers.

The ability to collaborate with your peers in the workplace is a critical component of a successful enterprise. Supporting that theme, UC fosters the development of collaboration skills through its Executive Program. You will join a group of between 4 – 6 individuals and prepare a group project paper and presentation.

The paper will be submitted for grading by the course faculty. The presentation will be made to the class on Sunday morning. Each member of the team will present a portion of the presentation. Each student within the team will prepare an evaluation of their peers’ participation in the project.

You have been assigned as a team member to evaluate the need for an Information Governance (IG) Program at your organization. You will prepare a written proposal justifying the need for the IG Program, what resources will be required, and a macro (not detailed) program timeline. Your team will present ONE written proposal for the team. The team will then create and deliver a PowerPoint presentation to the class on Sunday morning, “selling” the IG program to the Board of Directors (Residency Faculty) and key stakeholders of the organization (the class members).

Identify your Critical Infrastructure Industry in your organization. Share any unique IG requirements for this industry.


  1. The paper should include, at a minimum, the following sections:
    1. Title page
    2. Executive Summary (Abstract – ½ page) (IT Department in Healthcare)
    3. Body
      1. Introduction (including industry discussion – 1 page) (IT Department in Healthcare)
      2. Expected benefits from IG Program.
  • Resources required.
  1. Proposed timeline.
  2. SWOT comparison
  1. Conclusion
  2. References
  1. You must include at least one figure or table. These must be of your creation. Do not copy from other sources. You may use your SWOT as a diagram.
  2. You are not required to use any peer-reviewed scholarly journals (accessible from the UC Library). However, if you use external sources, you MUST cite and reference them using proper APA formatting. A plagiarism finding will be assessed against the entire Group.
  3. This paper should be in proper APA (7th Edition) format and avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing content. It should be a minimum of 3 pages in length (double-spaced), excluding the title page and references.


Deliverable Instructions


  • Only ONE copy of the team’s paper to Blackboard should be submitted for grading.
  • Only ONE copy of the team’s presentation should be submitted to Blackboard for grading.
  • The team’s paper must be delivered as a Microsoft Word document.
  • The team’s presentation must be delivered as a Microsoft PowerPoint file.
  • Late submissions will not be accepted. A grade of zero points will be given after the deadline.



In addition to the deliverable requirements, the following is a summary of the content suggested for your academic writing submissions. These common standards are recommended for all your academic writing.


  1. Introduction:
  1. Purpose: The purpose, problem, or question to be considered is stated clearly.
  2. Interest: The author convinces the reader that the paper is worth reading excitingly.
  3. Preview: The author previews how the problem will be handled.
  4. Body:
  1. Analysis: An analysis of the literature has been used to support the statements made and that the assumptions are logical.
  2. Presentation of evidence

Integration: If sources contradict one another, they are dealt with adequately. Multiple sources are compared if available. A simple listing of information is avoided.

The points are internally consistent (i.e., one point follows from another), plausible, and well supported.

References are recent, high quality, and appropriate to the paper topic (research articles and edited books).

  1. Suitability of focus: The problem chosen is focused enough to be adequately covered in the space of the paper but not too narrow.
  2. Organization: The presentation is easy to follow and well organized.
  3. Conclusion:
  1. The author summarizes the findings adequately and draws appropriate conclusions.
  2. Applications of the findings are discussed.


  1. Correct spelling.
  2. Grammar and use of words correct (not awkward or inappropriate).
  3. Paragraph form: Topic sentences are used to introduce transitions, and the order of transitions is appropriate.
  4. Borrowed ideas and statements are given credit (citations used frequently and listed in the reference section).
  5. The paper is APA compliant.


The American Psychological Association (APA) format is one possible format for your paper. There are specific formats for citing references in your paper’s text and listing your references in the reference section. Follow the examples exactly as shown. For further details, please consult the APA manual or the library website.


  • 1-inch margins all around
  • Double-space entire document
  • Use 12-point font and left justify all text. Use a professional font (Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri).
  • Be sure to transition between paragraphs


  • The header is on all pages starting with the title page (depending upon faculty preference).
  • The header is the title’s first 2-3 words, five blank spaces, and then the page number.
  • The title is centered on the page (in both dimensions), in bold font and mixed case.
  • Capitalize essential words of title only.
  • Name and affiliation go under the title, centered, followed by oversight faculty and date—standard font.
  • Double-space the title page. Do not put extra spaces between the name and affiliation.


  • The abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the paper.
  • Should cover:  the problem under study, the findings, and the conclusions/implications of the study.
  • Start abstract on page 2.
  • Center the word “Abstract” at the top of the page.
  • The abstract should be 100-120 words
  • No paragraphs or indentations in the abstract (block style).
  • No citations.
  • Add keywords (indented and italicize the word ‘keywords’).


  • Start on page 3
  • Primary section headers of paper go at the top of the page, centered
  • Start a broad – general problem statement, then “build your case” (using references, not intuitions). Discuss relevant theories
  • In the end, it is helpful to offer suggestions for future research.
  • Close with a general statement of what this all means – what is the take-home message you want to leave readers with?
  • The format of the end of the paper is the opposite of the intro – you want to start specific and end general.


  • It would be best if you gave credit to the people who have written the articles you use in the body of the paper. To do so, use reference citations in the text of the paper.
  • When you refer to someone else’s work, don’t simply quote them. For example, under most circumstances, the following sentence wouldn’t be acceptable:

Retinitis pigmentosa “refers to a group of hereditary degenerative diseases of the retina” (Heckenlively, 1988).

In this case, you would better paraphrase Heckenlively (the author) and then cite him.

  • When a work has one or two authors, cite their names and the date of publication whenever you refer to their work in the text. (Exception: Within a given paragraph, do not include the date after the initial citation unless you cite other publications elsewhere in your paper by the same author(s)). Join two co-authors in the text with the word “and,” but within parentheses, use an ampersand (&):
  • According to Smith and Jones (1990), individuals prefer to affiliate with similar others.
  • Previous research has indicated that individuals prefer to affiliate with similar others (Smith & Jones, 1990).
  • If authors have the same surname, always include their initials in each citation.
  • When citing co-author groups of three to five authors, cite all names and the date in the initial citation, but only the first author, followed by et al. and the date in subsequent citations.
  • For co-author groups of six or more authors, cite in the text-only the surname of the first author followed by et al. and the date. If two or more six-author groups shorten to the same surname, cite the surnames of as many subsequent authors as needed to distinguish references.
  • If you cite a work in your text, you must have it listed in your references section.

Some citation examples are as follows:

Citation appearing as part of a sentence (narrative):

Jaeger, Anthony, and Rosnow (1980) planted a rumor among college students.

Citation entirely in parentheses (parenthetical):

Lithium carbonate increases the anorectic’s intake of fatty foods and thus produces weight gain (Gross, Evert, Goldberg, Nee, & Kaye, 1980).

Multiple citations in parentheses (names are in alphabetical order): Use multiple citations if several articles come to the same conclusions and have the same findings. They must be in alphabetical order, beginning with the first citation:

Research has also indicated that a clinician’s assessment of a person is generally not improved by using projective assessment techniques (Golden, 1964; Soskin & Anders, 1959).


  • Start the reference section on a new page.
  • Center the word References at the top of the page.
  • List all references alphabetically by first author’s last name. If there is more than one study by the same author, list them in date order (oldest to newest). Use a hanging indent for each reference.
  • Only cite materials that were discussed/referenced in your paper. All materials cited in your paper must appear in the reference section.

Some examples are as follows (all examples are single-spaced to save space):

A journal article with three authors:











Rogers, C. R., Wakefield, F. E., & Monroe, W. S. (1964). Toward a modern approach to values. Journal of                 Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68, 160-167.

End with a period
Journal title (capitalized, italicized, and followed by a comma)


Here is an example of a journal article with two authors:

Hood, D. C. & Birch, D. G. (1996). A beta wave of the scotopic (rod) electroretinogram measures the activity of human on-bipolar cells. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 13, 623-633.

A journal article with two or more authors:

Feather, N. T., Johnson, R., & Barber, J. G. (1983). Depressive reactions and unemployment. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 92, 185-195.

A popular article:

Bettleheim, B. (1982, March 1). Reflections: Freud and the soul. New Yorker, pp. 52-93.

A book:

Coles, R. (1986). The moral life of children. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press.

An article or chapter in an edited book:

Rohlen, T. P. (1978). The promise of Adulthood in Japan. In E. H. Erikson (Ed.), Adulthood (pp. 129-140). New York: Norton.



In addition to the deliverable requirements, the following is a summary of the content suggested for your academic and professional presentation submissions. These common standards are recommended for all your academic and professional presentations.


Keep your presentation within the time allocated for your presentation. It is awkward for the host if your presentation goes longer than the time allocated. The entire session must be extended, or time must be cut from subsequent presentations. The host must fill the gap with their content if your presentation doesn’t fill the time allocated.

Slides should be simple and devoid of complex imagery. While graphics are great additions to your presentation, use simple graphics and speaking points.

  • Keep the background simple.
  • Use color sparingly (with awareness for colorblind audience members).
  • Use a large font. Make reading your content easy for the audience at the back of the room.

Do not include the entire text of your presentation on the slide. Provide only salient talking points you want the audience to take away from the presentation. Fill out those talking points with your speech. DO NOT READ YOUR SLIDES TO THE AUDIENCE.

A good rule of thumb is about two minutes per slide for your presentation. Simplify complex topics by providing a summary slide and then breaking down the topic into multiple subsequent slides. Do not try to explain a complex topic with only one slide.

If you use graphics or content from an external source, you must cite it on the slide it appears or that you’re quoting. There must also be a corresponding reference at the end of the presentation.

Include a Call to Action in your presentation. We need an Information Governance Program.

  • What is the justification for it?
  • What are the consequences of not doing it?
  • Who is going to be involved in this project?
  • What is this going to cost?

Keep the presentation consistent for font, background, the balance of text to graphics, etc.

Do not use animations (or keep them very limited).

Maintain eye contact. It would be best if you turned on your camera while taking your turn as a speaker.

Finally,  PROOFREAD YOUR PRESENTATION! Test your presentation with your content. It’s a good idea to write out an outline or even the entire script of the speaking component of your presentation; practicing the talk repeatedly will help you sound like you know what you’re talking about. This confidence will help sell your presentation to the audience. You won’t convince your audience of your position if you don’t come across as confident in the project.


IT Department in Healthcare
IT Department in Healthcare


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