Introduction to Science Experiment 1 Simple Staining Materials Crystal Violet

Introduction to Science Experiment 1 Simple Staining Materials Crystal Violet
Introduction to Science Experiment 1 Simple Staining Materials Crystal Violet

Introduction to ScienceExperiment 1 Simple Staining Materials Crystal Violet

2 mL Deionized Water

6 Drops Sterile Saline

Nutrient Agar



*10% Bleach Solution

*Isopropyl Alcohol

*Sink or Disposable Plastic Container

*Microwave or Boiling Water Bath

*Permanent Marker

Labware 100 mL Beaker


2 Sterile Cotton Swabs

1 Pair of Disposable Gloves

Resusable Metal Inoculation Loop

1 Sterile Transfer Pipette

1/2 Sheet of Bibulous Paper

(2) 5 cm Petri Dish

Sterile Plate Spreader

6 Glass Microscope Slides

Wax Pencil

9 cm Petri Dish


Hot Pad

*Lab Notebook (optional)


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