Intervention Planning and Ethical Considerations

Annette Williams
ECE660: Action Research and Inquiry in Education
Intervention Description
The proposed intervention is emphasizing the connectedness of science and real-life issues to increase the motivation of students. The real world will be brought to the classroom to ensure that students can understand the theory learned in a better way. For example, teachers teaching about insects will be required to demonstrate a life or dead insect to the students. This intervention may increase the motivation of students in learning science and lead to improved performances amongst the young children., and families may be willing to offer more support to their children when they show a positive attitude towards learning and perform well.
Students think that science learning is unrelated to everyday life and this makes them develop a negative attitude towards science learning. “When learning is related to real-world issues, student motivation may increase to learn science they own these issues and dilemmas. In other words, motivation is stained through real-world issues” (Cetin-Dindar, 2016 p. 235). Students also learn how to analyze various real-world issues and are encouraged to thoughtfully reflect on their experiences. Comment by Juliet Krummick: Beautiful APA!!
Teachers will be required to ask students about their family beliefs and values. They will also be given the option to talk about current events to the students as this will ensure that they make a connection with science learning. There will also be field trips to various places such as the museum whereby students can observe various insects and learn about them. Other places to be visited include the agricultural farms to enable students to observe and learn about various plants such as maize and beans.
There will be the use of media to enable teachers to bring the real world into science learning. Teachers will play videos to explain various concepts or the working of a machine in class. Students will also be given real-world problems to solve. For example, students will be asked about their opinions on different ways in which pollution could be reduced. Teachers will also be required to use science text cards for teaching and word games. Science kits will be used for conducting small experiments and science movies and games will also be played. Students will have more autonomy to conduct experiments and solve the real-world issues they are given in class. “Giving control to the students helps to maintain students’ interest and motivate them to take responsibility for their learning” (Cetin-Dindar, 2016 p. 235). Students get more confidence in performing various activities in science learning independently. Comment by Juliet Krummick: No extra spaces needed, this project will be long enough.
The population will benefit from the intervention because they will have their enthusiasm and imagination enlightened. When students participate in science games, their level of engagement in learning is increased. This results in improved performances in science tests. Students will also have their critical thinking skills enhanced because they will be handling real-world issues. “When students apprehend that science, they have learned at school quite relevant to their everyday experiences, their negative feelings on learning science could decrease and be more confident in learning science” (Cetin-Dindar, 2016 p. 243). The level of understanding of science concepts will be improved. Students who get an opportunity to go for field trips are likely to have improved health because they do not just sit in a classroom studying. The families and the community will be more strengthened due to the connection established when students go for field trips to the communities. Teachers will gain more environmental knowledge and have their teaching skills enhanced because they can teach help kids to connect science learning to real-world issues. They will also be able to meet the twenty-first century needs of learners.
Intervention plan : Comment by Juliet Krummick: You have good information; however, you have large amounts of information in your chart. What I would recommend is taking out your sentences to form a paragraph. Then in its place write a few words to describe what will happen that week. Think of the chart as a quick reference for readers.
Week | Activity |
Week One | The first week will involve the identification of relevant topics, activities, and questions that enable students to connect science learning and real-world issues. The timeline of topics to be covered will be developed in the first week.
The learning objectives and outcomes will also be identified in the first week. |
Week Two | Students will be arranged into groups. Every group will be required to conduct a science lab experiment and make observations.
Students will go for a field trip to the museum on the last day of the week.
Week Three | Teachers will present videos to their students to demonstrate various concepts.
They will also prepare a rubric to assess the efforts of students. |
Week Four | This week will involve evaluation and assessment.
Students will be given assignments that look “Real World” to assess their progress.
Ethical considerations:
Informed consent
She would ensure that she inform the parents that their children would be taking part in research aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of teaching strategies on science learning. She would also obtain verbal consent from the first graders. Participants have to be informed that they are taking part in a study. They should also be informed of the purpose, expected duration and procedures to ensure that they adhere to all instructions of the study and that the parents do not withdraw some of them from the study as it continues. Comment by Juliet Krummick: I would use your name here. It’s been a while since you discussed yourself, this will ensure your information doesn’t get mixed up with your last referenced idea. Comment by Juliet Krummick: informs Comment by Juliet Krummick: A consent form will be signed by parents prior to the start of the study. Comment by Juliet Krummick: First grade students/ Comment by Juliet Krummick: This will ensure the participantes…combine these sentences.
The parents would receive an online consent form to accept the participation of their children in the study. The forms would be sent via emails to parents and they would also be notified via text that a research study would be carried out in the school. Since the research study involves an examination of teaching strategies that help students connect science learning to real-world issues, they would not be many dangers of participating in the study. Some students may, however, be feeling unwell or they may be unable to take part in field trips (Gerstner, 2017). This necessitates the need for consent from their parents. Some of the dangers of taking part in this study include contracting diseases during field trips to farms because some students may be allergic to pollen grains from maize plants. Other risks also include falling ill during the research and failure to access fast medication. Comment by Juliet Krummick: This information should in order. You need to ask the parents prior to ask students. They have the right to allow their child to participate or not, this information should be first. Comment by Juliet Krummick: Does the field trip make a different in your study? Students should still be able to learn about real world ideas in the classroom. It should not be pertinent to attend. Comment by Juliet Krummick: ?!? This does not have to do with collecting data. Comment by Juliet Krummick: This is off topic.
Freedom from Harm:
The plan for implementation is an appropriate intervention because it would involve teachers who would be taking care of the children during the research study. It would also increase the level of motivation of students towards science learning. “When students are actively engaged in the learning environment and they are able to form better connections between the science they encounter in their textbooks and the science that is required to solve real-world issues” (Cetin-Dindar, 2016 p. 243). Students would, therefore, not be harmed because the study would concentrate on increasing their motivation level and provide adequate teachers for children’s safety.