Influence of Geography

Influence of Geography

Throughout the civilization process and period China has enjoyed and benefited from relative geography isolation that has paved the way for the development and advancement of distinctive cultures. Various major physical barriers have separated China from the continents, particularly Asia. These include mountains like Mt. Himalayans, to the west, there is Taklimakan desert, towards the north we have Mongolian Plateau and Gobi desert, and towards Eastern and southern eastern there is the Pacific Ocean. All these geographical and environmental features led to preservation and continuity of different cultures within the country (Duiker & Spielvogel). This aspect of preserving and continuing with the past cultures created a demand for the establishment of a new ruling dynasties that would conform to the previous customs and ways of lives in efforts of Sinicizing and all the conquered people. Additionally, the Chinese believed that their cultures were superior hence, conserved and respected their ways of lives. For instance, setting up of dynasties for every culture has contributed to the realization of the country’s civilization.

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