NUR 460 Individual Discharge Plan for Community Health Nurse (Individual) – 15%: Due Week 8 @ 11:59p (PO VI, VII, VIII)
This assignment is based on the client scenario you have been assigned.
This assignment aims to:
- Enhance the students’ understanding of the requirements and resources needed to care for a client in their respective zip code community setting.
- Improve the students’ skills in identifying priority diagnosis for care of the client while in the community setting.
- Strengthen students’ knowledge and skills of identifying collaborative groups and institutions at the community level that will facilitate optimal care of the client while in the community.
- Strengthen the students’ ability to identify and apply primary, secondary and tertiary prevention methods associated with the care of the holistic person, which includes their medical, social and physical and spiritual being.
This scenario is follows: You are assigned a client scheduled for discharge back to their community (zip-code 11211) from the acute care setting. As the Community Health Nurse assigned to care for this client, you must prepare a discharge plan of care (template provided) for the client (template provided). The care plan must begin with the priority teaching focus and 3 priority nursing diagnosis (actual/problem-focused, risk, health promotion or syndrome). The care will then focus on Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of prevention for management of the client while in the community, not only specific to the health condition; resources and knowledge of the resources available within the community.
**Student is provided with a discharge plan template.
** For submission, please attach your assigned case scenario and upload the completed assignment via safe assign to the BB link. The uploaded document needs to be in PDF or Word format.
Points allotted as follows:
- Identification of 3 Priority Nursing Diagnoses for care in the community (must be complete nursing diagnoses. A complete Nursing Diagnosis includes the Nursing Diagnosis-Related to/etiology-symptomology or exhibition if not a risk diagnosis)– 6%
- Identification of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of prevention appropriate for age, gender and diagnosis (for the holistic client, not only for health condition or medical diagnosis)– 3%
- Setting M.A.R.T objectives for continuity of care in the community setting (must show all components of the objectives for each diagnosis) – 2.0%
- Using the Functional Health Status Approach to Community Health Assessment (Chapters 11 and 13): identify the health care agencies within the community (Zip code area 11211) you would most likely collaborate with to ensure your client receives optimal care in the community setting.(Must give details of how each identified community resources fits into the care of the client, the type of insurance accepted, if the client qualifies to receive care/service from the resource, and how would the client begin to get services)– 0%
Jose, 14, with Leukemia S/P severe neutropenia and pneumonia. Lives with parents and 4 siblings in an apartment building on the 3rd floor. Has Medicaid services and private insurance. Resides zip code 11211
Please use New York resources and hospitals of last 5 recent years and related to zip code 11211
APA format 7th edition
At the end of the table, write 1 paragraph summary
Please do not suggest immunizations as a treatment