Identify one other type of psychotherapy that will effectively manage paranoid personality disorder.

Alternative Therapy : Identify one other type of psychotherapy that will effectively manage paranoid personality disorder.

Mindfulness Meditation: helps reduce stress, depression, anxiety, and feelings of paranoia.

Art therapy: helps to serve as a source of distraction from disturbing or paranoid thoughts.

Health Promotion: I reviewed medical /psychiatric histories with the patient and educated the patient on the need for medication compliance to prevent decompensation, possible seizure activity, and life-threatening symptoms which may lead to inpatient hospitalization. The patient was also encouraged to set phone reminders to promote medication compliance. I enlightened the patient to give about 4 – 6 weeks to experience the maximum effect of the medications.

· Encouraged the patient to engage in physical activities/exercise to improve mood, sense of control, coping ability, and overall self-esteem.

· Encouraged the patient to eat a balanced diet and sleep hygiene such as consistent sleep time and avoiding noise at bedtime.

· Abstinence from marijuana or any illicit drug use and social events that will encourage use.

· The patient was encouraged to contract to safety to call 911, or the Baltimore Crisis Line at 410 433 5175 with active self-harm, suicidal and/or homicidal thoughts.

Phone calls: Called mother and sister to encourage patient’s medication compliance.

Time spent: about 15 minutes was set aside for the patient for questions and answers.

Labs reviewed include: CMP, CBC, UDS, Pregnancy, Liver function test, thyroid function test, alcohol level, and ammonia.

Order placed: Gene testing to identify which medication will be most effective for the patient.

Return to clinic: in 1 week.

To evaluate the patient’s response to new medication, Haldol 5mg p.o daily, medication compliance, and attitude towards the treatment plan/recommendations.

Suppose the patient continues to comply with Haldol 5mg p.o daily and can tolerate the drug over time. The plan will be to switch Haldol p.o to Haloperidol decanoate IM ( 10 – 20 times the p.o dosage), following all relevant safety protocols to manage this patient and further ensure medication compliance.

Discussion Questions / Prompts:

1. Identify other ways to encourage medication compliance in a patient with a paranoid personality disorder.

2. Identify other alternative therapies that will be beneficial in managing an individual with a paranoid personality disorder.

3. Identify one other type of psychotherapy that will effectively manage paranoid personality disorder.


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