Identify and explain any modifications to the capstone project that are necessary because of financial considerations.

The facility won’t put in an indoor pool for the senior resident due to financial constraints. The seniors will instead be given a membership card to a local private gym so they can go indoor swimming as a modification to the change project. The employees who will be watching over the elderly residents will travel with them on a facility bus.
Describe the project-related activities you want to sustain after your NUR-495 coursework is Complete, and explain how sustaining these elements of the project will benefit the organization. Include specific resources, stakeholders, and collaboration necessary to sustain your change Initiative.
The project-related activities I would like to sustain after the NUR-495 coursework is completed would be to encourage the Facility to continue to carry out the three phases of exercise that my plan recommended. Sustaining these project elements will benefit the facility because the exercise will improve the overall well-being of the resident health and decrease depression and suicidal rates. This recommendation will then routinely be carried out by 10% of the workforce which include nurses, dietitian, trainer, social worker, unit manager, and psychiatric physician.