Human Growth and Development  Psychology degree is MUST to have

Human Growth and Development  Psychology degree is MUST to have


Hi smart tutors,

I have a total of 8 online lessons for multiple choice questions. Each lesson consist of 40 questions. You MUST have a Psychology degree to work on this project. I will pay a good money as long as you could finish it within 3 days. Also, you MUST score 80% or better otherwise no payment will be release.

The first lesson title: THE BODY AND MIND IN ADOLESCENCE


Adolescence is a time filled with changes, dangers, choices, growth, moral issues, work, school, friends, fun, heartbreak, and happiness. In modern American society, adolescence is undoubtedly one of the longest transitional periods of life. A child enters this stage and, roughly 10 years later, a man or woman emerges, a fully formed human being ready to begin adult life. What happens during these years that turns a boy into a man and a girl into a woman? Why does the transition take so long? The adolescent years are sometimes confusing, often tumultuous, and sometimes filled with challenges and life-altering decisions. In this lesson, you will learn about the many physical and cognitive changes that take place during these important years.

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