How much phenotypic varia on do you Þnd in the parents of your crosses?
Mendelian Gene cs
Ques ons
1. a) How much genotypic varia on do you Þnd in the randomly picked parents of your cross-
es? How much in the o spring?
b) How much phenotypic varia on do you Þnd in the parents of your crosses? How much
in the o spring?
2. a) What is the ra o of phenotypes (yellow kernel color : blue kernel color) in the 20 o –
spring of your Þve crosses?
b) If you were to run this experiment 1000 mes, rather than just Þve mes, what would
you expect the ra o of phenotypes to be in the o spring?
c) Is the ra o of observed phenotypes the same as the ra o of predicted phenotypes in the
o spring? Why or why not?
3. Organisms heterozygous for a recessive trait are o en called carriers of that trait. Explain
what this means.’