How does one ensure that accepting a gift does not cross the line into bribery?

How does one ensure that accepting a gift doesn’t cross the line into bribery?

Avoiding Bribery Problems How does one ensure that accepting a gift doesn’t cross the line into bribery? The fi rst and most important method for determining this is to look at company policy. All large corporations and many smaller companies have very clear rules about what is acceptable. Some companies have very strict policies. For example, some companies say that employees are not allowed to accept anything from a vendor and that any social interaction with vendors or customers must be paid for by your company. Any deviation from this rule requires approval from appropriate supervi- sors. This philosophy is rooted in a sense of trying to avoid any confl ict of interest and any appearance of impropriety.

Other companies realize the importance of social interactions in business trans- actions and allow their employees more discretion in determining what is proper. In the absence of strict corporate guidelines, a preapproval from one’s manage- ment is the best guide to what is acceptable.

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