Hofstede and GLOBE (Exhibit 5-5)

Hofstede and GLOBE (Exhibit 5-5)

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Both frameworks have a lot in common and often lead to similar conclusions.

Long Description:

The details of Hofstede’s dimensions and GLOBE respectively are as follows:

Power distance:

Hofstede’s dimensions: Extent to which a society accepts an unequal distribution of power.

GLOBE: Extent to which a society accepts an unequal distribution of power.

Uncertainty avoidance:

Hofstede’s dimensions: Extent to which a society feels threatened by and avoids ambiguity.

GLOBE: Extent to which a society seeks orderliness, structure, and laws to avoid ambiguity.

Long-term orientation:

Hofstede’s dimensions: Extent to which a society emphasizes the future and persistence (versus the present and the change.)

Future orientation:

GLOBE: Extent to which a society believes their actions can influence the future.


Hofstede’s dimensions: Extent to which a society emphasizes acting as a tight-knit collective (versus as independent individuals.)

Institutional collectivism:

GLOBE: Extent to which a society supports collective action and resource distribution.


Hofstede’s dimensions: Extent to which a society favors traditional, masculine roles such as power and control (versus little differentiation of gender roles.)

In-group collectivism:

GLOBE: Extent to which a society values loyalty, pride, patriotism, and cohesion.

Gender egalitarianism:

GLOBE: Extent to which a society de-emphasizes traditional gender roles.


GLOBE: Extent to which a society emphasizes confidence and advocating for what one wants.

Humane orientation:

GLOBE: Extent to which a society values caring, friendliness, altruism, fairness, kindness, and generosity.

Performance orientation:

GLOBE: Extent to which a society values producing results, excellence, and productivity.


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