HEALTH and ILLNESS in the Black Population ■ 273

HEALTH and ILLNESS in the Black Population ■ 273

4. Bluestone, a mineral found in the ground, is used as medicine for open wounds. The stone is crushed into a powder and sprinkled on the affected area. It prevents inflammation and is used to treat poison ivy.

5. To treat a “crick” in the neck, 2 pieces of silverware are crossed over the painful area in the form of an X.

6. Nine drops of turpentine 9 days after intercourse act as a contraceptive. 7. Cuts and wounds can be treated with sour or spoiled milk that is

placed on stale bread, wrapped in a cloth, and placed on the wound. 8. Salt and pork (salt pork) placed on a rag can be used to treat cuts and

wounds. 9. A sprained ankle can be treated by placing clay in a dark leaf and

wrapping it around the ankle. 10. A remedy for treating colds is hot lemon water with honey. 11. When congestion is present in the chest and the person is cough-

ing, the chest is rubbed with hot camphorated oil and wrapped with warm flannel.

12. An expectorant for colds consists of chopped raw garlic, chopped on- ion, fresh parsley, and a little water, all mixed in a blender.

13. Hot toddies are used to treat colds and congestion. These drinks consist of hot tea with honey, lemon, peppermint, and a dash of brandy or whatever alcoholic beverage the person likes and is avail- able. Vicks Vaporub also is swallowed.

14. A fever can be broken by placing raw onions on the feet and wrap- ping the feet in warm blankets.

15. Boils are treated by cracking a raw egg, peeling the white skin off the inside of the shell, and placing it on the boil. This brings the boil to a head.

16. Garlic can be placed on the ill person or in the room to remove the “evil spirits” that have caused the illness.

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