I need help with my power point assignment about Global Public Health. Who can help me with this assignment?Apply Principles of Global Public Health: Recommend strategies to positively affect global public health in an identified population.
Assessment Rubric
0 Not
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Public Health Issues
Educate audiences on the incidence and prevalence rates of chosen health issues. Include at least 2-3 countries in which the health issue is most prevalent.
LO1: Describe a
public health issue
using demographic
and epidemiologic
Response is missing.
The presentation or script provide a vague description of a public health issue and/or provide unclear or inaccurate information about incidence rates, prevalence rates, and countries most affected by the public health issue. Incidence and prevalence rate information is not accurately cited.
The presentation and script clearly describe a current public health issue informed by a chosen field of study and provide broad, specific information about the public health issue including: incidence rates, prevalence rates, and countries most affected by the public health issue. Most of the incidence and prevalence rates information is accurately cited.
©2023 Walden University 2
Create one (1)
engaging discussion
question or statement
directed toward the
health leaders, related
to a public or global
health challenge and
the evidence-based
program or strategies
needed to address the
LO2: Develop open
ended questions to
engage a diverse
audience in creative
problem-solving of public
health issues.
Response is missing. The presentation or script
contain a concluding
statement or question that
does not connect to the public
health issue or engage the
The presentation and script
contain a concluding open-ended
question or statement that invites
audience members to participate
in discussion and creative problem
solving about the public health
Public Health Management Approaches & Specific Professions
Recommend evidence- based strategies and programs from existing global health agencies that address chosen health issues.
LO1: Recommend
strategies to solve a
public health issue
Response is missing.
The presentation or script
include less than one evidence-
based strategy or strategies are
not supported by knowledge of
public health issues as well as
a chosen field of study.
The presentation and script include at least two evidence- based strategies and is informed by knowledge of public health issues as well as a chosen field of study.
©2023 Walden University 3
related to a chosen field
of study.
Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.
0 Not
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
LO2: Demonstrate the
effective use of grammar
and mechanics.
Multiple inaccuracies
in grammar and
mechanics impede
reader’s access to
Some inaccuracies in grammar
and mechanics limit reader’s
access to ideas.
The use of grammar and
mechanics is straightforward, and
they effectively convey meaning to
the reader.
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LO4: Use supporting
materials to reinforce a
The supporting
materials are not
The supporting materials are
used inconsistently or
The supporting materials are used to enhance meaning. The writing is appropriately paraphrased and uses direct quotes as applicable.
Oral Communication: Communicate with clarity, coherence, and purpose.
0 Not
Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations
LO1: Use clear
enunciation, correct
comfortable pacing, and
appropriate volume.
Speaker mumbles or
speaks in a monotone,
mispronounces words,
and/or struggles to find
appropriate pacing or
Speaker inconsistently uses
clear enunciation, correct
pronunciation, comfortable
pacing, and appropriate volume.
Speaker engages the audience
through mostly clear enunciation,
correct pronunciation, comfortable
pacing, and appropriate volume.
LO 2: Organize
information to be
Information is disorganized to a degree that impedes audience understanding.
Organization of information minimally supports audience understanding.
Organization of information generally enhances audience understanding of concepts.
Technology: Use technology effectively.
0 Not
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
LO1: Apply the features of technology programs (i.e., Excel, Word, and
PowerPoint) to
communicate information
The technology
program is not
applied appropriately.
The technology program
includes multiple formatting
issues and/or is difficult to
The technology program includes proper formatting.
Data can be easily read and
©2023 Walden University 5
Exceeds Expectations: Perspective Taking
LO1: Apply
strategies to
communicate global
health issues to
diverse audiences.
The presentation is accessible to a diverse audience including nonnative English speakers. The
presentation is creative, engaging, and interesting to the audience. Slides include appropriate
images and graphics that add context to the presentation and text is brief and concise (use of
bullet points and not full paragraphs) that enhances the understanding of the topic. References
and citations follow APA formatting and are used effectively in the presentation The script is well
written and properly used in the presentation. Speaker engages the audience in the audio (speaks
clearly at reasonable volume with professional tone – no slang).