For example, is the problem getting worse and policymakers are now paying attention?

For example, is the problem getting worse and policymakers are now paying attention?

Your memo should be no longer than 700 words. Issue memos are a very common form of communication in the public policy world. (Please note that this type of memo differs from the memo assignment in the next unit. In the next unit, we will focus on decision memos, which are directed to your superior and typically lead to a decision.) For this unit, we will learn about a memo that policy professionals can use as tools to inform and prepare themselves and their staffs. If you work for an association, a nonprofit organization, a think tank, an advocacy group, or any other part of the policy community, you will frequently create issue memos to inform policymakers about issues that are timely and important to you. They tend to take a neutral tone. Sometimes these can take the form of an infographic. THIS MEMO SHOULD BE NEUTRAL, AND THEREFORE USEFUL TO POLICYMAKERS OF DIFFERING VIEWS. This week’s readings and lectures teach you about the goals of the issue memo, the necessary components, and how to effectively write it. Use subheads to separate sections. Start with a power sentence (or two) that provide an introduction to your memo. You will need to be very specific about what the issue or problem is and why this is timely. The next section should clearly state the problem and fully explain all aspects of it. Provide data, evidence and facts that indicate the impact of the problem. The next section describes why this issue is timely. For example, is the problem getting worse and policymakers are now paying attention? Is there a vote coming up? Did something happen? This section indicates the positions of the various stakeholders. This section outlines possible solutions (not your own solution, but the scope of solutions that exist). The conclusion recaps your main points about the problem, solutions, and why this is a timely topic.

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