Explain the mandatory licensure, certification, and legal requirements for operating and staffing early childhood programs.
Learning Objective 2.1:
Explain the mandatory minimum requirements for operating early childhood programs.
Explanation is not present.
Response includes a partial description of the minimum programming requirements for a state.
Response does not include a web link or citation to the source of information regarding mandatory minimum requirements.
Response includes an accurate description of the minimum programming requirements for a state.
The response provides a web link or citation to the source of information regarding mandatory minimum requirements.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following:
Response includes analysis of value and adequacy of requirements.
Short Answer 3
Imagine you are starting a new early childhood care center. Summarize the licensure requirements for your state and provide the website or citation where you found the licensure requirements. (1 paragraph)
Your Response
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Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Sub-Competency 2: Explain the mandatory licensure, certification, and legal requirements for operating and staffing early childhood programs.
Learning Objective 2.2:
Summarize relevant licensure requirements for early childhood centers.
Summary is not present.
Response provides a vague or inaccurate summary of licensure requirements within a specific state.
Response clearly and accurately summarizes the relevant licensure requirements within a specific state.
Response includes the website or citation indicating where the licensure information was located.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following:
Response includes analysis of value and adequacy of requirements.
Short Answer 4
Summarize the annual inspection requirements for your state. Provide a citation indicating where you found the information. (1 paragraph)
Your Response
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Not Present
Needs Improvement
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Sub-Competency 2: Explain the mandatory licensure, certification, and legal requirements for operating and staffing early childhood programs.
Learning Objective 2.3: Summarize the annual inspection requirements for early childhood programs.
Summary is not present.
Response provides a partial summary of the inspection requirements for a specific state and/or no web link or citation is provided.
Response provides an accurate summary of the inspection requirements for a specific state.
The response provides a link or citation to the source regarding annual inspection requirements.
Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2” plus the following:
Response includes analysis of value and adequacy of requirements.
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