Ethical Considerations as it relates to Negligence/Malpractice for adults

Ethical Considerations as it relates to Negligence/Malpractice for adults

Ethical Considerations as it relates to Negligence/Malpractice for adults
Ethical Considerations as it relates to Negligence/Malpractice for adults

Negligence is defined as a failure to provide the care that is required as a standard of practice to an individual and involves harm to the individual that is not personal but caused by carelessness. Malpractice is the act of negligence by the practitioner or healthcare facility which results in an injury to the patient which could be related to patient care, surgery, improper medication prescription or dosage. Ethical consideration as it pertains to adults can be complex as it comprises of various elements which includes the preservation of one’s respect and dignity, recognizing family structure, ensuring the safety of the individual, preserving end of life request and embracing the individual’s independence. These factors may put the elderly at the risk for neglect, abuse, and ill intent. According to Hagensen et al. 2018, some medical facilities contribute to the negligence of the patient by having the practitioners caring for an overwhelming number of patients which sometimes results in neglect which is not ethical and safe from a medical practice standpoint.

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