Empirical Claim Critique

Empirical Claim Critique

Individual Claim Critique


Claim background


In this section, clearly state the claim in question. Also, tell me where you found the claim (i.e. news, empirical study, magazine, etc.).


Initial reaction to the claim


In this section, state your initial reaction to the claim before you followed up on it. In other words, did you believe the claim to be true? If so, why? If not, why? Of course, here, the rationale for your belief, or disbelief, will likely be based on your past experiences.


Literature search procedure


In this section, provide details about how you conducted a literature search to find scholarly sources related to the claim. Be sure that you are specific enough such that I am able to replicate your literature search.


Empirical review of claim


In this section, detail at least four scholarly articles (i.e. summarize, discuss in relation to the claim, etc.). Be sure to cite these appropriately using APA formatting guidelines.


Final reaction to claim


In this final section, state you final reaction to the claim now that you have followed up on it a bit. Did your initial opinion of the claim remain stable? Did it change? How did your research into the topic impact your final reaction to the claim?




Include APA-formatted reference entries for the scholarly articles you used.

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