Educational resources may be another limiting factor.

Educational resources may be another limiting factor.

Perhaps others could learn how to do a task if they could practice with the equipment, but the equipment or a trainer is not available.

Time can also be a limiting factor. For example, it is Friday, and the schedule needs to be posted on Monday. No one on your staff has experience developing schedules and you need to go out of town for a family emergency, so there is no one else to do the schedule.

An Insecure Delegation The majority of the barriers to delegation arise from the delegator. Reasons people give to fail to delegate include:

“I can do it better.”

“I can do it faster.”

“I’d rather do it myself.”

“I don’t have time to delegate.”

Often underlying these statements are erroneous beliefs, fears, and inexperience in delega- tion. Certainly, the experienced person can do the task better and faster. Indeed, delegation takes

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