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Please reflect on the past 8-weeks –what was your greatest takeaway? How might you apply

one concept learned in this class towards your career? Finally, what do you have planned for

your next course?

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W8: reflection Gerald Freeman posted Jul 24, 2022 9:37 PM

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Hello Class,


It h b ll d ti l i ht k d it h b f di i diff t i t f more

7/25/22, 7:54 AM W8: Reflection – BUSN100 D003 Spring 2022

https://myclassroom.apus.edu/d2l/le/60646/discussions/topics/515934/View 2/2

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Deaver – Reflection Paul Deaver posted Jul 24, 2022 6:20 PM

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Good afternoon Class

This has been a great class and went by very quickly. I enjoyed interacting with everyone.

Some of the biggest takeaways from this course was how important a business plan is.


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