Discussing the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats for the completed business case explore the financial calculations hard dollars and the impact on the organization soft dollars
The final project will lead the you through a disciplined business case simulation for an established quality
improvement initiative. Using the resource toolkit from Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI),
Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care, as well as the established IHI Business Case
Template, you will develop a business case for the clinical improvement article by Foley et. al about
emergency department overcrowding.
Final Project Materials
â— Foley, M., Kifaieh, N., & Mallon, W. K. (2011, May). Financial impact of emergency department
crowding. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine , 12 (2), 192–197. Retrieved from
â— Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care: An Integrated Approach to Safety and Finance
(Institute for Healthcare Improvement Business Case Template)
1. Login to your Institute for Healthcare Improvement account.
2. Read the Foley article and Optimizing a Business Case for Safe Health Care: An Integrated
Approach to Safety and Finance and review the additional supporting IHI resources and
documents. Complete the IHI Business Case Template provided using the content provided in the
Foley article. (You must be logged into the site to download the template.) Use and modify the
template as appropriate and necessary for your final project.
Copyright © 2019 by Thomas Edison State University. All rights reserved.
3. Using the template as a guide, write a paper of 1250 to 1750 words (5 to 7 pages)
The following links provide online writing and research aids to help you with your paper assignments.
â— OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University
â— Writer’s Handbook , the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
â— APA Guidelines
â— Information Literacy for TESU Students (an online guide from the New Jersey State Library to
assist you in starting your research, searching databases for articles, citing sources, using ILLiad
to request books or articles, etc.)