Discuss the background of members of selected communities of the Hispanic populations.

Discuss the background of members of selected communities of the Hispanic populations.

HEALTH and ILLNESS in the Hispanic Populations ■ 295

descendants of these early settlers now live in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. A large number of Mexicans also live in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin, where most arrived as migrant farm workers. While located there as temporary farm workers, they found permanent jobs and stayed. Contrary to the popular views that Mexicans live in rural areas, most live in urban areas. Mexicans are employed in all types of jobs. Few, however, have high- paying or high-status jobs in labor or management. The majority work in factories, mines, and construction; others are employed in farm work and service areas. At present, only a small—though growing—number are employed in clerical and professional areas. The number of unemployed in this group is high, and the earnings of those employed are well below the national average. The educa- tion of Mexicans, like that of most minorities in the United States, lags behind that of most of the population. Many Mexicans fail to complete high school. In the past few years, this situation has begun to change, and Mexican children are being encouraged to stay in school, go on to college, and enter the professions.

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