Discuss how using statistics and improving reporting rates can lead to social change.

Part 1
Imagine you are a consultant for the Department of Justice (DOJ). You have been asked to assess measures of crime and victimization. You will then present your findings to the Department.
Research the Internet to find three scholarly resources that focus on measuring crime statistics.
Review these crime databases:
· Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)
· National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
· National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
· United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
create a 15 slide (not including title and reference slides) PowerPoint presentation that includes audio or utilizes footnotes and that:
· Provides an overview of each of the crime databases listed above;
· Compares each system/database;
· Describes the advantages and disadvantages of each database; and
· Discusses whether combining databases would improve the understanding of victimization and better inform victimization reduction strategies.
Part 2
Next, imagine you have been hired by the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) to prepare an Executive Summary on the many impacts of crime victimization. The Executive Summary will be distributed to every state’s office of victim services to inform their planning for victim’s services.
Research the Internet to find resources that focus on crime and victimization, specifically statistics of major crimes. Visit the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) website for more information.
Using the Walden Writing Center “Basics of Executive Summaries” as a guide, write a
5 page Executive Summary in which you:
· Provide an overview of crime and victimization in the United States and include current statistics of at least three major crimes (UCR Part I Crimes).
· Identify and describe three direct impacts of crime on victims and their families. Discuss whether these are short or long-term impacts.
· Explain which crimes have higher reporting rates and which crimes have lower reporting rates.
· Identify methods for improving rates of reporting for underreported crimes.
· Discuss how using statistics and improving reporting rates can lead to social change.
Support your Executive Summary with at least three scholarly resources (textbooks, peer-reviewed journals, and government publications).