Differences in Evaluation and Research

Differences in Evaluation and Research

It is important to distinguish between evaluation and research, because these dif- ferences help us to understand the distinctive nature of evaluation. While some methods of evaluation emerged from social science research traditions, there are important distinctions between evaluation and research. One of those distinctions is purpose. Research and evaluation seek different ends. The primary purpose of research is to add to knowledge in a field, to contribute to the growth of theory. A good research study is intended to advance knowledge. While the results of an evaluation study may contribute to knowledge development (Mark, Henry, & Julnes, 2000), that is a secondary concern in evaluation. Evaluation’s primary pur- pose is to provide useful information to those who hold a stake in whatever is be- ing evaluated (stakeholders), often helping them to make a judgment or decision.

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Research seeks conclusions; evaluation leads to judgments. Valuing is the sine qua non of evaluation. A touchstone for discriminating between an evaluator and a researcher is to ask whether the inquiry being conducted would be regarded as a failure if it produced no data on the value of the thing being studied. A researcher answering strictly as a researcher will probably say no.

These differing purposes have implications for the approaches one takes. Research is the quest for laws and the development of theory—statements of re- lationships among two or more variables. Thus, the purpose of research is typically to explore and establish causal relationships. Evaluation, instead, seeks to exam- ine and describe a particular thing and, ultimately, to consider its value. Some- times, describing that thing involves examining causal relationships; often, it does not. Whether the evaluation focuses on a causal issue depends on the information needs of the stakeholders.

This highlights another difference in evaluation and research—who sets the agenda. In research, the hypotheses to be investigated are chosen by the researcher based on the researcher’s assessment of the appropriate next steps in developing theory in the discipline or field of knowledge. In evaluation, the questions to be answered are not those of the evaluator, but rather come from many sources, including those of significant stakeholders. An evaluator might suggest questions, but would never determine the focus of the study without consultation with stakeholders. Such actions, in fact, would be unethical in evaluation. Unlike re- search, good evaluation always involves the inclusion of stakeholders—often a wide variety of stakeholders—in the planning and conduct of the evaluation for many reasons: to ensure that the evaluation addresses the needs of stakeholders, to improve the validity of results, and to enhance use.

Another difference between evaluation and research concerns generalizabil- ity of results. Given evaluation’s purpose of making judgments about a particular thing, good evaluation is quite specific to the context in which the evaluation object rests. Stakeholders are making judgments about a particular evaluation object, a program or a policy, and are not as concerned with generalizing to other settings as researchers would be. In fact, the evaluator should be concerned with the par- ticulars of that setting, with noting them and attending to the factors that are rel- evant to program success or failure in that setting. (Note that the setting or context may be a large, national program with many sites, or a small program in one school.) In contrast, because the purpose of research is to add to general knowledge, the methods are often designed to maximize generalizability to many different settings.

As suggested previously, another difference between research and evaluation concerns the intended use of their results. Later in the book, we will discuss the many different types of use that may occur in evaluation, but, ultimately, evalua- tion is intended to have some relatively immediate impact. That impact may be on immediate decisions, on decisions in the not-too-distant future, or on perspectives that one or more stakeholder groups or stakeholders have about the object of the evaluation or evaluation itself. Whatever the impact, the evaluation is designed to be used. Good research may or may not be used right away. In fact, research that adds in important ways to some theory may not be immediately noticed, and

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connections to a theory may not be made until some years after the research is conducted.2 Nevertheless, the research stands alone as good research if it meets the standards for research in that discipline or field. If one’s findings are to add to knowl- edge in a field, ideally, the results should transcend the particulars of time and setting.

Thus, research and evaluation differ in the standards used to judge their adequacy (Mathison, 2007). Two important criteria for judging the adequacy of research are internal validity, the study’s success at establishing causality, and external validity, the study’s generalizability to other settings and other times. These crite- ria, however, are not sufficient, or appropriate, for judging the quality of an eval- uation. As noted previously, generalizability, or external validity, is less important for an evaluation because the focus is on the specific characteristics of the program or policy being evaluated. Instead, evaluations are typically judged by their accuracy (the extent to which the information obtained is an accurate reflection—a one-to- one correspondence—with reality), utility (the extent to which the results serve the practical information needs of intended users), feasibility (the extent to which the evaluation is realistic, prudent, diplomatic, and frugal), and propriety (the extent to which the evaluation is done legally and ethically, protecting the rights of those involved). These standards and a new standard concerning evaluation accountabil- ity were developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Evaluation to help both users of evaluation and evaluators themselves to understand what evalua- tions should do (Joint Committee, 2010). (See Chapter 3 for more on the Standards.)

Researchers and evaluators also differ in the knowledge and skills required to perform their work. Researchers are trained in depth in a single discipline—their field of inquiry. This approach is appropriate because a researcher’s work, in almost all cases, will remain within a single discipline or field. The methods he or she uses will remain relatively constant, as compared with the methods that evaluators use, because a researcher’s focus remains on similar problems that lend themselves to certain methods of study. Evaluators, by contrast, are evaluating many different types of programs or policies and are responding to the needs of clients and stakehold- ers with many different information needs. Therefore, evaluators’ methodological training must be broad and their focus may transcend several disciplines. Their edu- cation must help them to become sensitive to the wide range of phenomena to which they must attend if they are to properly assess the worth of a program or policy. Evaluators must be broadly familiar with a wide variety of methods and techniques so they can choose those most appropriate for the particular program and the needs of its stakeholders. In addition, evaluation has developed some of its own specific methods, such as using logic models to understand program theory and metaevalua- tion. Mathison writes that “evaluation as a practice shamelessly borrows from all disciplines and ways of thinking to get at both facts and values” (2007, p. 20). Her statement illustrates both the methodological breadth required of an evaluator and

2A notable example concerns Darwin’s work on evolution. Elements of his book, The Origin of the Species, were rejected by scientists some years ago and are only recently being reconsidered as new research sug- gests that some of these elements were correct. Thus, research conducted more than 100 years ago emerges as useful because new techniques and discoveries prompt scientists to reconsider the findings.

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the fact that evaluators’ methods must serve the purpose of valuing or establishing merit and worth, as well as establishing facts.

Finally, evaluators differ from researchers in that they must establish personal working relationships with clients. As a result, studies of the competencies required of evaluators often cite the need for training in interpersonal and communication skills (Fitzpatrick, 1994; King, Stevahn, Ghere, & Minnema, 2001; Stufflebeam & Wingate, 2005).

In summary, research and evaluation differ in their purposes and, as a result, in the roles of the evaluator and researcher in their work, their preparation, and the criteria used to judge the work. (See Table 1.1 for a summary of these differ- ences.) These distinctions lead to many differences in the manner in which research and evaluation are conducted.

Of course, evaluation and research sometimes overlap. An evaluation study may add to our knowledge of laws or theories in a discipline. Research can inform our judgments and decisions regarding a program or policy. Yet, fundamental distinctions remain. Our earlier discussion highlights these differences to help those who are new to evaluation to see the ways in which evaluators behave differently than researchers. Evaluations may add to knowledge in a field, contribute to theory development, establish causal relationships, and provide explanations for the relationship between phenomena, but that is not its primary purpose. Its primary purpose is to assist stake- holders in making value judgments and decisions about whatever is being evaluated.

Action Research

A different type of research altogether is action research. Action research, origi- nally conceptualized by Kurt Lewin (1946) and more recently developed by Emily Calhoun (1994, 2002), is research conducted collaboratively by professionals to

TABLE 1.1 Differences in Research and Evaluation

Factor Research Evaluation

Purpose Add to knowledge in a field, develop laws and theories

Make judgments, provide information for decision making

Who sets the agenda or focus?

Researchers Stakeholders and evaluator jointly

Generalizability of results

Important to add to theory Less important, focus is on particulars of program or policy and context

Intended use of results

Not important An important standard

Criteria to judge adequacy

Internal and external validity Accuracy, utility, feasibility, propriety, evaluation accountability

Preparation of those who work in area

Depth in subject matter, fewer methodological tools and approaches

Interdisciplinary, many methodological tools, interpersonal skills

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improve their practice. Such professionals might be social workers, teachers, or accountants who are using research methods and means of thinking to develop their practice. As Elliott (2005) notes, action research always has a developmental aim. Calhoun, who writes of action research in the context of education, gives exam- ples of teachers working together to conceptualize their focus; to collect, analyze, and interpret data on the issue; and to make decisions about how to improve their practice as teachers and/or a program or curriculum they are implementing. The data collection processes may overlap with program evaluation activities, but there are key differences: Action research is conducted by professionals about their own work with a goal of improving their practice. Action research is also considered to be a strategy to change the culture of organizations to one in which professionals work collaboratively to learn, examine, and research their own practices. Thus, action research produces information akin to that in formative evaluations— information to be used for program improvement. The research is conducted by those delivering the program and, in addition to improving the element under study, has major goals concerning professional development and organizational change.

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