Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.

Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.

Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.
Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.


You work for a high-tech company with approximately 390 employees. Your firm recently won a large DoD contract, which will add 30% to the revenue of your organization. It is a high-priority, high-visibility project. You will be allowed to make your own budget, project timeline, and tollgate decisions.

This course project will require you to form a team of 2 to 3 coworkers (fellow students) and develop the proper DoD security policies required to meet DoD standards for delivery of technology services to the U.S. Air Force Cyber Security Center (AFCSC), a DoD agency. To do this, you must develop DoD-approved policies and standards for your IT infrastructure (see the “Tasks” section below). The policies you create must pass DoD-based requirements. Currently, your organization does not have any DoD contracts and thus has no DoD-compliant security policies or controls in place.


Your firm’s computing environment includes the following:

12 servers running Microsoft Server 2012 R2, providing the following:

Active Directory (AD)

Domain Name System (DNS)

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application (Oracle)

A Research and Development (R&D) Engineering network segment for testing, separate from the production environment

Microsoft Exchange Server for e-mail

Symantec e-mail filter

Websense for Internet use

Two Linux servers running Apache Server to host your Web site

390 PCs/laptops running Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 8, Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, and Adobe Reader


You should:

Create policies that are DoD compliant for the organization’s IT infrastructure.

Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.

List controls placed on domains in the IT infrastructure.

List required standards for all devices, categorized by IT domain.

Develop a deployment plan for implementation of these polices, standards, and controls.

List all applicable DoD frameworks in the final delivery document.

Write a professional report that includes all of the above content-related items.

Although the final project report is due at the end of the course, it is recommended that you complete it at least a week early so you have more time to study for the final exam.


Submission Requirements

· Format: Microsoft Word

· Font: Arial, Size 12, Double-Space

· Citation Style: Your school’s preferred style guide

· Length: 2–3 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

I developed a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.

I listed controls placed on domains in the IT infrastructure.

I listed required standards for all devices, categorized by IT domain.

I developed DoD policies and standards for our organization’s IT infrastructure. I developed a deployment plan for implementation of these polices, standards, and controls.

I listed all applicable DoD frameworks in the final report.

I involved myself in each of the lessons and asked my instructor questions.

I found additional references/resources than those provided.

I created an academic paper describing the policies, standards, and controls that would make our organization DoD compliant.

I submitted my work per the deliverable timeline to the instructor for monitoring and comment.

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