Describe how different theorists explain change.

Describe how different theorists explain change.

Although nurses should understand and anticipate these reactions to change, they need to develop and exude a different approach. They can view change as a challenge and encourage their colleagues to participate. They can become uncomfortable with the status quo and be willing to take risks.

This is a particular fortuitous time for the nursing profession (Nickitas, 2010). The Institute of Medicine’s report on the future of nursing proposes radical change for the profession (IOM, 2010). Specifically, they propose:

● Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training. ● Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved

education system that promotes seamless academic progression. ● Nurses should be full partners with physicians and other health care professionals in

redesigning health care in the United States. ● Effective workforce planning and policymaking require better data collection and an

improved information infrastructure.

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