Describe 1-2 legislative and advocacy activities that your state nurse practitioner organization(s) are involved in.

Describe 1-2 legislative and advocacy activities that your state nurse practitioner organization(s) are involved in.–

Levels of Achievement: Excellent 90%–100% 9 (9%) – 10 (10%) Response clearly and concisely describes 1-2 legislative/advocacy activities that student’s state nurse practitioner organization(s) are involved in. Good 80%–89% 8 (8%) – 8 (8%) Response clearly describes 1-2 legislative/advocacy activities that student’s state nurse practitioner organization(s) are involved in. Fair 70%–79% 7 (7%) – 7 (7%) Response somewhat vaguely and/or inaccurately describes 1-2 legislative/advocacy activities that student’s state nurse practitioner organization(s) are involved in. Poor 0%–69% 0 (0%) – 6 (6%) Response vaguely and/or inaccurately describes 1-2 legislative/advocacy activities that student’s state nurse practitioner organization(s) are involved in, or response is missing. Feedback:

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