Data Visualization

Data Visualization

I need you to Create a visual using the data for the final project which is listed by links there .

The visual should relate to your final project topic. Include narrative to describe the story you want to convey to the audience. Be creative! Use color! And be sure that the titles and keys are properly formatted and make sense.

Here is the project :

Business scenario:

The Department of Health Services is want to start looking into how to better prepare hospitals across the country for future natural disasters.


With air quality decreasing, temperatures rising, and an increase in natural disasters across the country, hospitals aren’t prepared for the rise in the patient intake, causing the nurse-to-bed ratio to be unbalanced.

Project Objective:

To find a relationship between air quality, climate change, natural disasters and the increase of hospital patients. 

Analytic Questions:

What is the amount of people that work during natural disasters and normal hours? – 22 years of data

What is the amount of people that do not work during natural disasters? – 22 years of data

What’s the number of injuries/deaths related to natural disasters? – 78 years of data

What is the instance?:

Natural Disasters/Storms between 1950 – 2019

  • Coastal Flood
  • Excessive Heat
  • Flash Flood
  • Heavy Rain
  • Hurricane
  • Heavy Snow
  • Storm Surge/Tide
  • Tornado
  • Wildfire
  • Winter Storm

Specific States/Regions:

For this project, we decided to not limit ourselves to specific states and look at the country as a whole. This will allow us to cover more natural disasters/storms and gives us more data to mine. The number of row of data will vary depending on the storm type.

Which data features will be included in the final project?

Data features that will be included are Employees at work during storms, Employees not at work during storms.

Also Death total, injury total, and storm type.

Name of the data source and an overview?

  • NOAA Storm Events Database – data on storms, with deaths and injuries resulting from them.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistic – data on labor-related stats
  • Kaggle – data of different information, but for the project, data on the air quality.

Preliminary Discussion:

How we came up with our idea with this project is by researching storm data from multiple sites to see have we could use the data to compare it to different topics. The site that made the most sense to us was the weather affects to find a relationship between air quality, climate change, natural disasters and the increase of hospital patients. We used this site to find ways that weather the economy. From there we then tried to categorize how the ways the website noted to what information we could tie it to the database.

Description of proposed Product Data

The data we will be looking at is data supporting, employee’s normal hours to the hours during a storm. Trying to figure out if hospitals are either short-staffed or outnumbered.

We will be looking at how climate change leads to health problems which cause hospitalizations.

We will be looking at the number of injuries and death caused by different natural disasters/storms.

Review that supports your topic

A study, in Annals of Emergency Medicine, stated that after excluding the first three days after a disaster, when weather-related injuries were most likely, hospitalizations rose by 4 percent. The same increase is seen during the 72 hours after a storm. Even a single-digit percentage increase can have major implications: “It translates to hundreds of additional hospital admissions,” says Bell, whose research focuses on disaster preparedness and response.

NOAA – For storm data

Bureau of labor statistics – for employee data

The instance (I think) – storms between 1950 and 2019

************************************* MAJOR RESOURCE

Pick a year

And look at either family file , household files , injury episode files ,

See if there’s a correlation between the storm events and health problems.

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