Data collection procedures:

Students who will participate in the study will be given consent forms to be signed by their parents three weeks before the study begins. Selecting twenty first graders to take part in the study. The consent form will describe the study’s purpose and benefits to the students and the school. The identity of students will only be known by the researcher for confidentiality purposes. The research document will not include the names of students. The student responses to the research will also be destroyed after they are analyzed. Comment by Juliet Krummick: This is a sentence fragment. Comment by Juliet Krummick: Are you referring to the interview or the survey? If so, state that.
During the first week, students will be trained on how to answer the survey. Before giving out the survey to the students, the researcher will explain its purpose. The researcher will, however, implement the intervention first and check whether it has a positive effect on the motivation level of students later. The first week will also involve the identification of relevant topics, activities, and questions that enable students to connect science learning and real-world issues. The timeline of topics to be covered will be developed in the first week. The learning objectives and outcomes will also be identified in the first week. Comment by Juliet Krummick: Semi-colon
Students will conduct science lab experiments during the second week. They will also go for a field trip to the museum on the last day of the week. Teachers will present videos to their students to demonstrate various concepts. They will also prepare a rubric to assess the efforts of studentsin the third week, students will be given the survey to answer. The researcher will have two weeks to administer the survey and provide results. Students will be required to give responses to the effectiveness of different strategies used to connect science learning with real-world issues. Students will be given forty minutes to complete the survey. After students complete the survey, the teachers will collect it and thank them for participating. Comment by Juliet Krummick: The extra space is not needed. There will be plenty of writing on the final.
Comment by Juliet Krummick: I added a page break so that your reference page will always be on the next clean page.