Curriculum Project: Curriculum Essentials Project Grading Rubric

Curriculum Project: Curriculum Essentials Project Grading Rubric

Content Advanced Proficient Developing Not present
Mission Statement

CAEP 1.3, CEC 7

9 to 10 points

The mission statement clarifies priorities and gives direction to the organization.

7 to 8 points

The mission statement clarifies priorities but gives limited direction to the organization.

1 to 6 points

The mission statement is vague and does not clarify priorities or give direction to the organization.

0 points

Not present

Character Education


19 to 20 points

Character traits are identified in learning experiences that are morally purposeful and engaging.

17 to 18 points

Character traits are identified in learning experiences that are morally purposeful but not engaging.

1 to 16 points

Character traits are unclear. Minimal and vague description of learning experiences.

0 points

Not present

Standards Comparison

CAEP 1.1; 1.3




19 to 20 points

Detailed general to specific comparison of standards. Assertions are clear and effectively supported with citation of specific standards.

17 to 18 points

Some general to specific comparison of standards–Assertions are vague and/or minimally supported with citation of specific standards.

1 to 16 points

Minimal and vague comparison of standards. Assertions are unclear and unsupported by citation of specific standards.

0 points

Not present

Standards Integration

CAEP 1.1; 1.3




19 to 20 points

Learning activities address state standards. Activities are engaging and interdisciplinary.

17 to 18 points

Learning activities address state standards and are engaging. Most activities are interdisciplinary.

1 to 16 points

Learning activities are engaging but do not fully address state standards. Few activities are interdisciplinary.

0 points

Not present

Structure Advanced Proficient Developing Not present
Spelling and Grammar 19 to 20 points

Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs have varied sentence structure.

17 to 18 points

Some spelling and grammar errors are present. Sentences are presented well. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures.

1 to 16 points

Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed.

0 points

Not present

Current APA Formatting and Citation 9 to 10 points

Title page, headings, and pagination are current APA format. References are provided for each template section. References are cited in current APA format.

7 to 8 points

Some mistakes in current APA format for the title page, headings, and/or pagination. References are provided for some template sections. References have some mistakes in current APA formatting.

1 to 6 points

Several errors in current APA format for the title page, headings, and/or pagination. References are not cited.

0 points

Not presen

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