Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing

Identification of Behavior

Behavior that is or could be an issue is explicitly identified from each scenario. 8 pts.

Behavior that is or could be an issue is generally identified from each scenario. 6 pts.

Behavior that is or could be an issue is too vague or not identified for each scenario. 4 – 0 pts.

Standard(s) Cited Standards are explicitly cited by Number, letter, and roman numeral. 8 pts.

Standards are cited by a general description. 6 pts.

Standards are not correctly cited for most of the scenarios. 4 – 0 pts.

Justification A coherent and cogent statement is provided that explicitly and clearly aligns and connects the behavior to the standard believed to be violated. 8 pts.

Justification is provided but it doesn’t explicitly align and connect the behavior to the standard believed to be violated. 6 pts.

Justification is not provided, or it doesn’t align and connect the behavior to the standard believed to be violated. 4 – 0 pts.

Alternative behavior Intern provides a detailed and appropriate approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated. 8 pts.

Intern provides a general description of an alternative approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated. 6 pts.

Intern does not provide a different approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated. 4 – 0 pts.

Spelling and Grammar Writing is professional quality, with fewer than 2 spelling or grammar mistakes. 8 pts.

There are 3 to 6 issues with grammar and spelling, but the writing is still up to an adequate professional standard. 6 pts.

There are more than 6 issues with spelling and/or grammar, or the quality of the writing is not up to a professional standard. 4 – 0 pts.

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