Cristiano Ronaldo analysis for sport psychology
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Leadership: speak about Ronaldo’s leadership to other teammates and his mentality about being a leader and how others view it,and his views on leadership, his leadership style 2 pages
Theory you should use is the four components of effective leadership
1. Leaders qualities: flexibility, loyalty, confidence, accountability, preparedness, self-disciple patience
2. Leadership style
· Autocratic style. The coach solves the problem herself using the information available at the time.
· Autocratic–consultative style. The coach obtains the necessary information from relevant players and then comes to a decision.
· Consultative–individual style. The coach consults the players individually and then makes a decision. The decision may or may not reflect the players’ input.
· Consultative–group style. The coach consults the players as a group and then makes a decision. The decision may or may not reflect the players’ input.
· Group style. The coach shares the problem with the players; then the players jointly make the decision without any influence from the coach.
3. Situational Factors:
· Is the sport a team sport or an individual sport? Team-sport athletes typically prefer more autocratic leaders than do individual-sport athletes.
· Is it an interactive (e.g., basketball) or coactive (e.g., bowling) sport? Interactive-team athletes prefer more task-oriented leaders than do coactive team athletes.
· What is the size of the team? As group size increases, it becomes more difficult to effectively use a democratic leadership style. How much time is available? When little time is available, a task-oriented leader is more desirable.
· Does the group have a particular leadership tradition? A group that has a tradition with one style of leadership will typically have difficulty changing to another style of leadership.
4. Followers Qualities: The characteristics of the followers (athletes in sport settings) are also important in determining the effectiveness of a leader. The need for the characteristics and styles of leaders and participants to mesh shows how important the interactional process is to effective leadership. For example, older and more experienced athletes usually prefer an autocratic coaching style, and female athletes prefer a democratic coach.
Psychological Skill Training Speak on how Ronaldo is so good mentality in the pitch and outside and how has a sport psychologist helped him, what was his goal and how did PST help him reach it quicker 1 page
Psychological skills training (PST) refers to systematic and consistent practice of mental or psychological skills for the purpose of enhancing performance, increasing enjoyment, or achieving greater sport and physical activity self-satisfaction.
Mental toughness talk about an adversity in a specific game using this theory
· Control —Handling many things at once; remaining influential rather than controlled
· Commitment —Being deeply involved with pursuing goals despite difficulties
· Challenge —Perceiving potential threats as opportunities for personal growth and thriving in constantly changing environments
· Confidence —Maintaining belief in the self despite setbacks
Imagery Speak about Ronaldos Visualization including visualization, mental rehearsal, symbolic rehearsal, covert practice, imagery, and mental practice 2 pages
Internal Imagery and External
Talks about this theory and how Ronaldo has applied it
Bioinformational Theory Probably the best-developed theoretical explanation for the effects of imagery is Lang’s (1977, 1979) bioinformational theory. Based on the assumption that an image is a functionally organized set of propositions stored by the brain, the model holds that a description of an image consists of two main types of statements: response propositions and stimulus propositions. Stimulus propositions are statements that describe specific stimulus features of the scenario to be imagined. For example, a weightlifter at a major competition might imagine the crowd, the bar he is going to lift, and the people sitting or standing on the sidelines. Response propositions, on the other hand, are statements that describe the imager’s response to the particular scenario. They are designed to produce physiological activity. For example, having a weightlifter feel the weight in his hands as he gets ready for his lift as well as feel a pounding heart and a little tension in his muscles is a response proposition. The crucial point is that response propositions are a fundamental part of the image structure in Lang’s theory. In essence, the image is not only a stimulus in the person’s head to which the person responds. Imagery instructions (especially MG-A) that contain response propositions elicit greater physiological responses (i.e., increases in heart rate) than do imagery instructions that contain only stimulus propositions (Cumming, Olphin, & Law, 2007; Cumming & Williams, 2012). Imagery scripts should contain both stimulus and response propositions, which are more likely to create a vivid image than stimulus propositions alone.