Context of Employer Brand Management:

Chern’s would also like to reinforce its employer brand among potential applicants. Ryan and Ann would like to create a stronger employer brand, and ask us for advice on what the company’s employer brand should be and how to effectively and consistently market and reinforce it throughout the staffing process.
Assignment Response, provide a written response to the following:
Based in the readings from Mosley (2014) and the information learned about Chern’s over the duration of the course, provide your employer brand management recommendations to our team using the bullets as a guide. Be sure to adequately explain/support why your approach would be effective for Chern’s.
· The Context of Employer Brand Management at Chern’s
o Brand Strategy
o The Perfect Employee
· Target Labor Demographic Considerations
o Talent Segmentation
o Talent Attraction
· The Employee Value Proposition
· Managing the Brand Experience internal versus external
· Employer Brand Metrics
· Justifications why this approach would be effective
Written Requirements
Your responses to assignments should be:
· submitted using MS word
· formatted in APA writing style
o title page, body, reference page
o double spaced
o one-inch margins all around
o use third person (recommendations include)
o do not use first person (I recommend or I think)
o essay questions or calculations should be addressed separately and should include separate headings
o use tables if appropriate for calculations
o text should be Times New Roman, black, 12-point font
8 pages required for assignment 4 (Case Study & past assignments attached)