Complete nursing discussion masters level walden

Complete nursing discussion masters level walden

Throughout history, major events have influenced quality improvement efforts in health care. For example, the Institute of Medicine’s report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System revealed statistics about errors in patient safety that result in thousands of deaths annually. Health care providers must be cognizant of the purpose and philosophy of quality improvement efforts as they lead the charge for improving health outcomes and patient safety. This Discussion is intended to help you understand how various developments have shaped contemporary perspectives and approaches to promoting health care quality.

By Day 3

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

When “To Err is Human” was published in 1999, it marked an important milestone in Quality Improvement Science.

  • Analyze how this milestone has influenced the health care delivery system and nursing practice.
  • Provide an example from your own work history and experience as to how the patient safety movement has affected your practice.

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