Compare and contrast two approaches to analysing qualitative data (choose from: thematic analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, content analysis, secondary analysis).

Compare and contrast two approaches to analysing qualitative data (choose from: thematic analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, content analysis, secondary analysis).

Order Details/Description

– experiment 5 Growth curve (short report explaining the task and including:-

a) answers to the questions posed during the online excersise;

b) an evaluation of the online excersise (was it easy to follow; did you find it educational and or useful).

so u can get the answers from this link

the assignment addresses the following learning outcomes:

} appraise data collection methods commonly used in medicine and life sciences

} critically evaluate the appropriateness of various data analysis approaches used in qualitative research.

} analyse and report the outcomes of the quantitative / qualitative data analysis methodologies covered in this course.

} Write up qualitative and quantitative data analyses in a form suitable for publication.


Students are required to answer the following two questions:

A) Compare and contrast two approaches to analysing qualitative data (choose from: thematic analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, content analysis, secondary analysis). (1000 words)

B) Data analysis and presentation of qualitative research: analyse two interview transcripts using thematic analysis, and write a report of the emergent findings. (1500 words)

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