Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing
Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing


Mariann Harding, PhD, RN, CNE Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Kent State University at Tuscarawas, New Philadelphia, Ohio

Julie S. Snyder, MSN, RN-BC Lecturer, School of Nursing, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia



Table of Contents

Cover image

Inside Front Cover

Brief Contents

Title page





What Is Clinical Reasoning?

What Is New in This Edition

The “How To” of Case Studies




1: Perfusion

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

Case Study 3

Case Study 4

Case Study 5

Case Study 6

Case Study 7

Case Study 8

Case Study 9

Case Study 10

Case Study 11

Case Study 12

Case Study 13

Case Study 14

Case Study 15

Case Study 16

Case Study 17

Case Study 18

Case Study 19



Case Study 20

Case Study 21

Case Study 22

2: Gas Exchange

Case Study 23

Case Study 24

Case Study 25

Case Study 26

Case Study 27

Case Study 28

Case Study 29

Case Study 30

Case Study 31

Case Study 32

Case Study 33

Case Study 34

Case Study 35

Case Study 36

Case Study 37



Case Study 38

Case Study 39

Case Study 40

3: Mobility

Case Study 41

Case Study 42

Case Study 43

Case Study 44

Case Study 45

Case Study 46

Case Study 47

Case Study 48

Case Study 49

Case Study 50

Case Study 51

Case Study 52

Case Study 53

Case Study 54

4: Digestion



Case Study 55

Case Study 56

Case Study 57

Case Study 58

Case Study 59

Case Study 60

Case Study 61

Case Study 62

Case Study 63

Case Study 64

Case Study 65

Case Study 66

5: Urinary Elimination

Case Study 67

Case Study 68

Case Study 69

Case Study 70

Case Study 71

Case Study 72



Case Study 73

Case Study 74

Case Study 75

6: Intracranial Regulation

Case Study 76

Case Study 77

Case Study 78

Case Study 79

Case Study 80

Case Study 81

Case Study 82

Case Study 83

Case Study 84

Case Study 85

Case Study 86

Case Study 87

Case Study 88

7: Metabolism and Glucose Regulation

Case Study 89



Case Study 90

Case Study 91

Case Study 92

Case Study 93

Case Study 94

Case Study 95

Case Study 96

Case Study 97

Case Study 98

Case Study 99

Case Study 100

8: Immunity

Case Study 101

Case Study 102

Case Study 103

Case Study 104

Case Study 105

Case Study 106

9: Cellular Regulation



Case Study 107

Case Study 108

Case Study 109

Case Study 110

Case Study 111

Case Study 112

Case Study 113

Case Study 114

Case Study 115

10: Tissue Integrity

Case Study 116

Case Study 117

Case Study 118

Case Study 119

11: Cognition

Case Study 120

Case Study 121

Case Study 122



12: Infection and Inflammation

Case Study 123

Case Study 124

Case Study 125

Case Study 126

Case Study 127

Case Study 128

Case Study 129

Case Study 130

13: Developmental

Case Study 131

Case Study 132

Case Study 133

Case Study 134

Case Study 135

Case Study 136

14: Reproductive

Case Study 137

Case Study 138



Case Study 139

Case Study 140

Case Study 141

Case Study 142

Case Study 143

15: Mood, Stress, and Addiction

Case Study 144

Case Study 145

Case Study 146

Case Study 147

Case Study 148

Case Study 149

Case Study 150



Inside Front Cover

Brief Contents Chapter 1 Perfusion, 1 Chapter 2 Gas Exchange, 99 Chapter 3 Mobility, 187 Chapter 4 Digestion, 247 Chapter 5 Urinary Elimination, 301 Chapter 6 Intracranial Regulation, 339 Chapter 7 Metabolism and Glucose Regulation, 401 Chapter 8 Immunity, 455 Chapter 9 Cellular Regulation, 483

Chapter 10 Tissue Integrity, 527 Chapter 11 Cognition, 547 Chapter 12 Infection and Inflammation, 561 Chapter 13 Developmental, 593 Chapter 14 Reproductive, 615 Chapter 15 Mood, Stress, and Addiction, 645





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Meghan Davis, MSN-Ed, CCRN, RN Registered Nurse, Virginia Beach, Virginia

Jatifha C. Felton, MSN-Ed, APRN, ACNCP-AG, CCRN Critical Care Nurse Practitioner, Chesapeake Regional Healthcare, Chesapeake, Virginia

Sherry D. Ferki, RN, MSN Adjunct Faculty, School of Nursing, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia

Joanna Van Sant, MSN, RN Clinical Nurse Manager–Oncology Unit, Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center, Woodbridge, Virginia




Heidi Matarasso Bakerman, RN, BA Nursing, MscN Nursing Instructor, Nursing Vanier College, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Beverly Banks, MSN, BSN, RN Full Time Faculty, Nursing, Alpena Community College, Alpena, Michigan

Mitzi L. Bass, MPH, MSN, RN Assistant Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing and Health Professions, Baltimore City Community College, Baltimore, Maryland

Michelle Bayard, BSN, RN Teacher, Faculty of Careers and Technology: Nursing Vanier College, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Diana Lynne Burgess, MSN, RN Nursing Faculty—ADN Program, St. Petersburg College of Nursing, St. Petersburg, Florida

Lacey M. Campbell, MSN, RN Program Coordinator Accelerated LPN to RN Program, Texas County Technical College, Houston, Missouri

Diane Cohen, MSN, RN Professor—Nursing, MassBay Community College, Framingham, Massachusetts

Nicola Eynon-Brown, RN(EC), BNSc, MN, NP, CPNP- PC Professor, School of Baccalaureate Nursing, St. Lawrence College, Brockville, Ontario, Canada

Melissa Marie Fischer, MSN, RN ADN Nursing Faculty, Nursing, Blackhawk Technical College, Janesville, Wisconsin

Victoria A. Greenwood, MSN, MSEd, RN-BC Assistant Professor, Nursing, The Sage Colleges, Troy, New York

Rose A. Harding, MSN, RN Coordinator, Standardized Test



Evaluation Committee, JoAnne Gay Dishman School of Nursing, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas

Antonea Jackson, PhD (c), MSN, RN CNE Clinical Assistant Professor, Nursing, Prairie View A&M University, Houston, Texas

Llynne C. Kiernan, DNP, MSN, RN-BC Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing, Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont

Tonie Metheny, MS, RN, CNE Clinical Instructor, Nursing, Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Kathleen S. Murtaugh, MSN, RN, CNA Assistant Professor, Nursing, St. Elizabeth School of Nursing/University of Saint Francis, Lafayette, Indiana

Karen Noss, MSN, RN Professor, Nursing Department, Luzerne County Community College, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania

Alicia Powell, MSN, RNC Clinical Nurse Educator, Women’s Services, Chesapeake Regional Healthcare, Chesapeake, Virginia

Deborah J. Pumo, MS, RN, EdD Nursing Professor, Nursing Department, Illinois Valley Community College, Oglesby, Illinois

Sandra A. Ranck, MSN, RN Program Administrator, Auburn Practical Nursing Program, Auburn Career Center, Concord Township, Ohio

Cherie R. Rebar, PhD, MBA, RN, COI Professor of Nursing, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio

Alicia N. Rose, ACNS-BC, PMHNP-BC, RN-BC, CSAC Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Meridian Psychotherapy, Virginia Beach, Virginia

Jane Tyerman, BA, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD Professor, Trent/Fleming School of Nursing, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada




To provide safe, quality care, nurses need to have well-developed clinical reasoning skills. As new graduates, you will make decisions and take actions of an increasingly sophisticated nature. You will encounter problems you have never seen or heard about during your classroom and clinical experiences. You will have to make complex decisions with little or no guidance and limited resources.

We want you to be exposed to as much as possible during your student days, but more importantly, we want you to learn to think. You cannot memorize your way out of any situation, but you can think your way out of any situation. We know that students often learn more and faster when they have the freedom to make mistakes. This book is designed to allow you to look at how to solve problems and find answers without the pressure of someone’s life hanging in the balance. We want you to do well. We want you to be the best. It is our wish for you to grow into confident, competent nursing professionals. We want you to be very, very good at what you do!

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