Climate and the Slave Trade

Climate and the Slave Trade


  • Lecture: Climate and Slave Trade
  • Discussion Marks
  • Group work: in-classpresentations
  1. read excerpt of Parker’sGlobal Crisison Blackboard
  2. read Marks 86-96
  3. Quiz #6 due next Wed:questions from both

New World’s Impact onAfrica:

  • 1)Short-term: new foodcropspopulationgrowth
  • 2)Medium-term: massiveslave-trade to populateAmerica
  • 3)Long-term: Africa becamesource for raw materialexploitation

Image result for slavery africa Related image

Short Term: Mighty Maize

  • Corn imported by early 16thc.
  • Grown like other African grains
  • Population growth in West Africa
  • by 17thcentury = rainforest clearance
  • Millet/sorghum important in drier savannahs, bananasin highlands
  • Other New World crops: peanuts, chilies, tomatoes,manioc, tobacco

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15th/early 16thcenturies:Portugueseraids

-fashionable African footmen/maids

Medium-Term: Labor

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15th/early 16thcenturies:Portugueseraids

  • fashionable African footmen/maids
  • Portugal after ½ century slavery

= 150,000 slaves

Medium-Term: Labor

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15th/early 16thcenturies:Portugueseraids

  • fashionable African footmen/maids
  • Portugal after ½ century slavery

= 150,000 slaves

Early on Spain/

Portugal uses

slaves for urban

and mine labor

Medium-Term: Labor

Related image

15th/early 16thcenturies:Portugueseraids

  • fashionable African footmen/maids
  • Portugal after ½ century slavery

= 150,000 slaves

Early on Spain/

Portugal uses

slaves for urban

and mine labor

1540s: Portuguese

imported slaves (Brazil)

Medium-Term: Labor

Related image

15th/early 16thcenturies:Portugueseraids

  • fashionable African footmen/maids
  • Portugal after ½ century slavery

= 150,000 slaves


Early on Spain/feature

Portugal uses

slaves for urban

and mine labor

1540s: Portuguese

imported slaves (Brazil)

Medium-Term: Labor

Related image

15th/early 16thcenturies:Portugueseraids

  • fashionable African footmen/maids
  • Portugal after ½ century slavery

= 150,000 slaves

1640s: Britain

importedto Caribbean


Early on Spain/feature

Portugal uses

slaves for urban

and mine labor

1540s: Portuguese

imported slaves (Brazil)

Medium-Term: Labor

Related image

15th/early 16thcenturies:Portugueseraids

  • fashionable African footmen/maids
  • Portugal after ½ century slavery

= 150,000 slaves

1640s: Britain

importedto Caribbean


Early on Spain/feature

Portugal uses17th century: slavery adapted to tobacco

slaves for urbanplantations in North America

and mine labor-Brits/French/Dutch tryEuropean laborers, but

1540s: PortugueseAfrican slavery success in

imported slaves (Brazil)tropics exported elsewhere

Medium-Term: Labor

Related image

15th/early 16thcenturies:Portugueseraids

  • fashionable African footmen/maids
  • Portugal after ½ century slavery18thcentury: slavery adapted

= 150,000 slavesfor cotton

1640s: Britain

importedto Caribbean


Early on Spain/feature

Portugal uses17th century: slavery adapted to tobacco

slaves for urbanplantations in North America

and mine labor-Brits/French/Dutch tryEuropean laborers, but

1540s: PortugueseAfrican slavery success in

imported slaves (Brazil)tropics exported elsewhere

Medium-Term: Labor

Related image

Medium-Term: Labor

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