Children as Participants and Teachers as a Researchers

“We must deconstruct how we value children’s way of learning, as well as their ways of expressing what they are learning. We must think about the conditions that invite children to use a multitude of ways to express their knowledge, their thoughts, and their questions. Lastly, when adding new ways of making meaning and expressing knowledge, we must guard against favouring certain expressions that might actually constitute a better way of meaning making for certain children in specific contexts”
Lenz-Taguchi, 2005, p.276
In the article by Clark (2007) that you are asked to read for this module, the author provides an example of how adults can engage children and children’s perspectives in a project of designing their own an outdoor space. Clark’s method of working with young children, called “The Mosaic Approach”, can inspire educators to pursue educational project that intentionally involve the child as a valued community member whose thoughts and ideas are taken seriously. Children, in this context, have the right and possibility to affect their own lives.
Clark, A. (2007). A hundred ways of listening: Gathering children’s perspectives of their early childhood environment. YC Young Children, 62(3), 76-81. (Library Course Reserves)
Malaguzzi, L. (1994). Your image of the child where teaching begins.