Chapter 1 An Introduction to Assurance and Financial Statement Auditing 29

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Assurance and Financial Statement Auditing 29

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know, if the securities acts had not been passed by Congress in the 1930s, no one would be interested in having an audit performed.”

Required: Draft a memo that highlights your thoughts about Lee’s statement that audits only

take place because they are required by law.


LO 1-1, 1-9 1-30 Using an Internet browser, identify five Internet sites that contain accounting or auditing resources. For each site identified, prepare a brief summary of the types of information that are available. For example, the PCAOB’s home page ( contains extensive information on the organization’s activities (you may use the PCAOB site as one of the five). Your five summaries should not exceed a total of one typed page.


EarthWear Online

EarthWear Introduction In this activity you will become further acquainted with EarthWear Clothiers and their auditors Willis and Adams. This introductory activity also provides an opportunity to become familiar with the structure and format of the EarthWear Online cases.

Visit Connect’s additional student resources to find a detailed description of the case and to download required materials.

Additional Student Resources

Visit Connect for author-created problem material to be completed using IDEA software.

Practice Insights Practice Insights in each chapter highlight important and interesting real-world trends and practices.

AACSB Statement McGraw-Hill Education is a proud corporate member of AACSB International. Understanding the importance and value of AACSB accreditation, Auditing and Assurance Services 10e recognizes the curricula guidelines detailed in the AACSB stan- dards for business accreditation by connecting selected questions in the text and test bank to the six general knowledge and skill guidelines in the AACSB standards. The statements contained in Auditing and Assurance Services 10e are provided only as a guide for the users of this textbook. The AACSB leaves content coverage and assessment within the purview of individual schools, the mission of the school, and the faculty. While Auditing and Assurance Services 10e and the teaching package make no claim of any specific AACSB qualification or evaluation, we have within Auditing and Assurance Services 10e labeled selected questions according to the six general knowledge and as a helpful starting point.

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