Cemeteries: A Cultural, Sociological and Historical Lesson
You may write a 3-5 page paper on a topic that is related to death and dying. If you choose this option, you will need at a minimum to include in your paper the following information:
- Include a title page and abstract both on separate pages.
- An introduction to your topic.
- A review of the research related to the topic you are writing about.
- Does future research need to be done? What?
- Concluding remarks.
- Your feelings and thoughts as you worked through this assignment and as you completed it. This is written in first person and is strictly how you felt about the assignment, your insights, and how your thoughts or feelings might have changed as a result of doing the assignment. No research in this section.
- A reference section where the first line of each reference is flush with the margin and second/third lines are indented. The reference section should only contain resources that were cited in the paper. You should have at least 3 resources.
- Written in APA format. You are to use a 12 font Times New Roman and double-space your paper. No more than 2200 words for the total paper including title page, abstract and references. Points will be deducted for not following this requirement.
- Use Word for all assignments. PDF files will NOT be accepted.
- Save your assignment in the correct file format found in the syllabus.
- Meet the requirements of the Project and Scoring Rubric found in the General Section of the Course Page.
You may choose one of the following projects as an alternative to the paper:
- Interview 2 to 3 individuals from different cultures or religions and compare and contrast their views on death and dying.
- Interview an individual who has experienced a loss and discuss their experience in terms of the stages of grieving.
- Interview 2 to 3 children, adolescents, and/or young adults and compare and contrast their views of death and dying.
- Visit a funeral home and research the costs involved as well as the process one goes through when arranging a funeral.
- Read and review a book about death and dying.
- Review a movie that addresses death and dying and tie it to research.
- Interview 2 or more elderly about funeral customs when they were young.
- Interview people from different professions about their attitudes toward death (nurses, doctors, funeral directors, etc)
- Look at death in children’s literature.
- Interview a veterinarian on euthanasia.
- Research roadside memorials
- Comparison of epitaphs on grave markers in cemeteries with different ethnic backgrounds.
- Research history of gravestones or compare and contrast older ones with newer ones.
- Develop your own project and have it approved by the instructor.
If you choose one of the above projects, you will need to:
- Include a title page and an abstract page on separate pages.
- Write a summary of your project.
- Include research relevant to your project.
- Describe what you did and the result of your project.
- Does future research need to be done? What?
- Concluding remarks/summary.
- Your feelings and thoughts as you worked through this assignment and as you completed it. This is written in first person and is strictly how you felt about the assignment, your insights, and how your thoughts or feelings might have changed as a result of doing the assignment. No research in this section. This is not a summary.
- A reference section where the first line of each reference is flush with the margin and second/third lines are indented. The reference section should only contain resources that were cited in the paper. You should have at least 3 references.
- Written in APA format. You are to use a 12 font Times New Roman and double-space your paper. No more than 2200 words for the total paper including title page, abstract and references. Points will be deducted for not following this requirement.
- Use Word for all assignments. PDF files will not be accepted.
- The project saved in the correct file format found in the syllabus.
- Meet the requirements of the Scoring Rubric found in the General Section of the Course Page.
- Written in APA style.
For a book/movie review, you will need to:
- Include a title page and an abstract on separate pages.
- Write a brief summary of the book/movie.
- Tie it to any relevant research. You will need at least 3 references.
- Give your own opinion of the book/movie – like a rating (Starts, a number from 1-10, etc.) that you would give it to indicate to others whether or not they should read/or see it.
- Your feelings and thoughts as you worked through this assignment and as you completed it. This is written in first person and is strictly how you felt about the assignment, your insights, and how your thoughts or feelings might have changed as a result of doing the assignment. No research in this section. This is not a summary.
- A reference section where the first line of each reference is flush with the margin and second/third lines are indented. The reference section should only contain resources that were cited in the paper.
- Written in APA format. You are to use a 12 font Times New Roman and double-space your paper. No more than 2200 words for the total paper including title page, abstract and references. Points will be deducted for not following this requirement.
- Use Word for all assignments. PDF files will not be accepted.
- The project saved in the correct file format found in the syllabus.
- Meet the requirements of the Scoring Rubric found in the General Section of the Course Page.