
learn about and write on one of the Research Project prompts/questions.

learn about and write on one of the Research Project prompts/questions. Objective: to learn about and write on one of the Research Project prompts/questions. Deadline: there are two deadlines for this assignment (Thursday for your initial post, and Saturday for your two replies) Points: 5 for your response; 2 total for your replies. Instructions: Listen […]

learn about and write on one of the Research Project prompts/questions. Read More »


The MEAL Paragraphing: The MEAL Plan Effective paragraphing is a central skill in academic writing. Many writers have been told a paragraph should contain a single idea; many have heard paragraphs have to be a minimum length—three sentences, for instance. In reality, paragraphs come in different shapes and sizes, and some so-called “rules” may put

The MEAL Read More »

Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Final Paper

Assignment 2.2: Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Final Paper Due Week 10 and worth 140 points You have already developed a thesis statement and an outline in which you explored the peculiar institution known as slavery. Now you will develop the final paper in which you explore your main points in detail. Introduce your

Liberty Challenged in Nineteenth Century America Final Paper Read More »


Romanticism Assignment 1 Romanticism Reading Assignments: The Humanistic Tradition, Book 5 Chapter 27: The Romantic View of Nature, ca. 1780-1880 Chapter 28: The Romantic Hero, ca. 1780-1880 Chapter 29, The Romantic Style in Art and Music, ca. 1780-1880 Instructor Notes: These three chapters describe the development of a Romantic sense of reality, which occurred over

Romanticism Read More »

Describe the development of depicting the human form from Paleolithic art through the arts of Ancient near-East, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures

Describe the development of depicting the human form from Paleolithic art through the arts of Ancient near-East, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures Read it carefully!!!     1. 3-5 typed pages double-spaced. 2. citing this textbook (no online research) 3. Make sure to have a thesis statement and use examples from images that

Describe the development of depicting the human form from Paleolithic art through the arts of Ancient near-East, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean and Greek cultures Read More »

examine in some detail the issues and episodes that led to MacWhite’s failure

examine in some detail the issues and episodes that led to MacWhite’s failure Ambassador Gilbert MacWhite, as ambassador, must bear almost full responsibility for the failure of his mission in Sarkhan.  In a short (5-6 page, double-spaced) essay, examine in some detail the issues and episodes that led to MacWhite’s failure and argue for or against this claim.  Be

examine in some detail the issues and episodes that led to MacWhite’s failure Read More »

How would the United States have enforced the Monroe Doctrine if its declaration had been immediately challenged by any of the European powers at which it was aimed?

How would the United States have enforced the Monroe Doctrine if its declaration had been immediately challenged by any of the European powers at which it was aimed? Students are required to respond at least twice to every Discussion Board topic: respond to ONE of the four topics posted by the instructor by Wednesday; and to at

How would the United States have enforced the Monroe Doctrine if its declaration had been immediately challenged by any of the European powers at which it was aimed? Read More »