
Oppression is historical. The under-representation of women

Oppression is historical. The under-representation of women in government is not simply the result of the last federal election in a given country. Women’s exclusion from government in the United States and Canada well into the 21st century illustrates their long-term overall exclusion as citizens, guaranteeing that they would have no role in deciding how […]

Oppression is historical. The under-representation of women Read More »

Social Stratification

Social Stratification In Chapter 3 we discussed how individuals belong to various social groups. For the purposes of understanding socialization, we described how important it is for individuals to recognize the significance of these social groupings. For the purposes of understanding oppression, we must also understand that these groups are given different value in our

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Common shorthand within the discipline

Common shorthand within the discipline is: Prejudice > Discrimination Prejudice + Power = Oppression Oppression involves institutional control, ideological domination, and the imposition of the dominant group’s culture on the minoritized group. No individual member of the dominant group has to do anything specific to oppress a member of the minoritized group; the prejudice and

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How do people often respond when their prejudices are pointed out

How do people often respond when their prejudices are pointed out 97 Now interview two people (other than those engaged in the activity with you), asking them to do what you did. What patterns do you notice in the responses? How did an awareness of your prejudices (or preconceived ideas) influence the decisions you made

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Group Identities

Group Identities As this example shows, race and ethnicity interact in complex ways with language and citizenship. For those new to the study of critical social justice, mastering these complexities is of secondary importance. Of primary importance is the ability to understand these categories as socially constructed and reflective of a particular political and cultural

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