
Which of the following musculoskeletal physical exam findings would you expect to find on this child?

Lifespan Activity Time: 2 min A 3-year-old child with Down’s syndrome is in the cardiac ICU of Shadow General Hospital following open heart surgery. Which of the following musculoskeletal physical exam findings would you expect to find on this child? Correct:Children with Down’s syndrome often have palmar simian crease, hyperextensible joints, and short, broad extremities.

Which of the following musculoskeletal physical exam findings would you expect to find on this child? Read More »

Diana Your Preceptor

Diana Your Preceptor Hopefully, you took note that Tina Jones needs assistance walking due to the pain from her infected foot wound. What goals would you set for Tina Jones’ impaired walking, and what evidence­based practice would you implement to help her achieve those objectives? How will you know if your intervention worked? This is

Diana Your Preceptor Read More »

Has anyone in your family had bone cancer?

Has anyone in your family had bone cancer? Objective Data Collection: 27.6 of 28 (98.57%)  Correct  Partially correct  Incorrect  Missed     Inspected neck  1 of 1 point Inspected shoulders  1 of 1 point Inspected arms  1 of 1 point Inspected elbows  1 of 1 point Inspected wrists  1 of 1 point Inspected hands and fingers  1 of 1 point Inspected hips  1 of 1 point Inspected thighs  1 of 1 point Inspected knees  1 of 1 point Inspected lower legs  1 of 1 point Inspected ankles     1 of 1 point Inspected feet  0.6 of 1 point Tested neck range of motion  1 of 1 point Tested shoulder range of motion  1 of 1 point Tested elbow range of motion  1 of 1 point Tested wrist range of motion  1 of 1 point Tested spine range of motion  1 of 1 point Tested hip range of motion 

Has anyone in your family had bone cancer? Read More »