
describes culture

the degree to which one’s lifestyle reflects his or her respective tribal culture. Heritage Consistency Heritage consistency is a concept developed by Estes and Zitzow (1980, p. 1) to describe “the degree to which one’s lifestyle reflects his or her respective tribal culture.” The theory has been expanded in an attempt to study the degree […]

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Cultural Heritage and History

  Cultural Heritage and History Samoans, remember your culture. ■ Objectives 1. Explain the factors that contribute to heritage consistency—culture, ethnicity, religion, and socialization. 2. Explain acculturation themes. 3. Determine and discuss sociocultural events that may influence the life trajectory of a given person. 4. Explain the factors involved in the cultural phenomena affecting health.

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References American Institutes for Research.

References American Institutes for Research. (2005). A patient-centered guide to implementing language access services in healthcare organizations. Washington, DC: Office of Minority Health/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 88–352, §601, 78 Stat 252 (42 USC 2000d). Fadiman, A. (2001). The spirit catches you and you fall down.

References American Institutes for Research. Read More »

Internet Sources American Institutes for Research

Internet Sources American Institutes for Research. (2005). A Patient-Centered Guide to Imple- menting Language Access Services in Healthcare Organizations. Washington, DC: Office of Minority Health/U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- vices. Retrieved from, August 2011. Dirksen Congressional Center. (2011). Major Features of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 88–352, §601, 78

Internet Sources American Institutes for Research Read More »

The Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare

The Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare This journal’s first issue appeared online in January 2011. It is a free quarterly peer-reviewed publication that provides a forum for discussion of the issues, trends, theory, research, evidence-based, and best practices in the provision of culturally congruent and competent nursing and healthcare. The address

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University of Michigan Health System: The Cultural Competency Division.

University of Michigan Health System: The Cultural Competency Division. The Cultural Competency Division plays a vital role in implementing cul- tural competency in the UMHS and in promoting good community health care practices. This is an excellent website with links to numerous sites. Place Your Order Here!

University of Michigan Health System: The Cultural Competency Division. Read More »

Transcultural Nursing Society

Transcultural Nursing Society The Transcultural Nursing Society has developed a core curriculum in Transcultural Nursing that can be found at ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=core +curriculum+for+transcultural+nursing Douglas, M. K., Editor-in-Chief and Pacquiao, D. F., Senior Editor. (2010). Core Curriculum for Transcultural Nursing and Health Care is available here. The Transcultural Nursing Society has also developed Standards for Culturally

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The Joint Commission

The Joint Commission Since 2007, the Joint Commission has been working toward improv- ing access to care for all patients at our accredited organizations through better communication, cultural competence, and patient- and family- centered care. Place Your Order Here!

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