

Communication Communication differences present themselves in many ways, including lan- guage differences, verbal and nonverbal behaviors, and silence. Language dif- ferences are possibly the most important obstacle to providing multicultural health care because they affect all stages of the patient-caregiver relationship. Social Organization The social environment in which people grow up and live plays an […]

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Space Personal space refers to people’s behaviors and attitudes toward the space around themselves. Territoriality is the behavior and attitude people exhibit about an area they have claimed and defend or react emotionally to when others encroach on it. Both personal space and territoriality are influenced by culture, and thus different ethnocultural groups have varying

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Time Orientation

Time Orientation The viewing of time in the present, past, or future varies among cultural groups. Certain cultures in the United States and Canada tend to be future-oriented. People who are future-oriented are concerned with long-range goals and with health care measures in the present to prevent the occurrence of illness in the future. Others

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Employment Estimate

Employment Estimate (number of employed) Mean Annual Wage (dollars) Management 6,022,860 105,400 Legal occupations 999,650 96,940 Computer and mathematical 3,283,950 77,230 Architecture and engineering 2,305,530 75,550 Health care practitioners and technical occupations 7,346,580 71,280 Registered nurses 2,655,020 67,720 Health care support occupations 3,962,930 26,920 Production occupations 8,236,130 33,770 Source: U.S. Department of Labor Statistics. Washington

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Education. Increasing percentages of students have completed high school, from 69% in 1980 to 85.3% in 2009 (http://factfinder. “Every child in America deserves a world-class education.” With these words, President Obama signed A Blueprint for Reform: The Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in March, 2010. This blueprint challenges the nation to

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Language. There are frequent misunderstandings, as discussed in Chapter 1, when people who do not understand English must help and care for or take direction from English speakers. There are also countless conflicts when people who are hard of hearing attempt to understand people with limited English-speaking skills, and many cultural and social misunderstandings can

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Decade of birth

Decade of birth. People’s life experiences vary greatly, depend- ing on the events of the decades in which they were born and the cultural values and norms of the times. People who tend to be heritage consistent—that is, have a high level of identification and association with a traditional heritage—tend to be less caught up

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