
What do the authors mean when they use the term White supremacy

What do the authors mean when they use the term White supremacy Discussion Questions 1. What are the key differences between multicultural education and antiracist education? Discuss each of these differences and provide examples for each. 2. What is Whiteness? The authors claim that Whiteness is organized globally. How? 3. What do the authors mean […]

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Common White Misconceptions about Racism

Common White Misconceptions about Racism We have worked to address many of the common misconceptions about racism. However, given their tenacity, we end by revisiting many of the most common arguments we hear. Regardless of intentions, these 197 arguments (some seemingly innocent and others seemingly progressive) serve dominant interests and ultimately function to protect rather

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What is Whiteness?

What is Whiteness? Critical scholars define racism as a systemic relationship of unequal power between White people and peoples of Color. Whiteness refers to the specific dimensions of racism that elevates White people over all peoples of Color. Basic rights, resources, and experiences that are assumed to be shared by all, are actually only available

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Racism Today

Racism Today Contrary to the opinions of many Whites, we are not living in a postracial society. Racial disparity between Whites and peoples of Color exists in every institution across society. Here we give brief examples of how racism plays out within a few social institutions. Health. According to the UN ranking of the standard

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What Is Racism?

What Is Racism? Racism is a form of oppression in which one racial group dominates over others. In the United States and Canada, Whites are the dominant group and peoples of Color are the minoritized group; therefore, racism here is White racial and cultural prejudice and discrimination, supported intentionally or unintentionally by institutional power and

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