civil engineering

The moral issues then include the following: Is lying an acceptable business practice?

The moral issues then include the following: Is lying an acceptable business practice? The moral issues then include the following: Is lying an acceptable business prac- tice? Is it alright to be deceptive if doing so allows your company to get a contract? The answers to these questions are obvious: Lying and deceit are no […]

The moral issues then include the following: Is lying an acceptable business practice? Read More »

Given that the issues surrounding an ethical problem can be controversial, how can these controversies be resolved?

Given that the issues surrounding an ethical problem can be controversial, how can these controversies be resolved? Given that the issues surrounding an ethical problem can be controversial, how can these controversies be resolved? Factual issues can often be resolved through research to establish the truth. It is not always possible to achieve a fi

Given that the issues surrounding an ethical problem can be controversial, how can these controversies be resolved? Read More »

In engineering, there are controversies over facts as well.

In engineering, there are controversies over facts as well. For example, global warming is of great concern to society as we continue to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat in the atmos- phere. This is thought by climate scientists to lead to a generalized warming of the

In engineering, there are controversies over facts as well. Read More »

What tools are there for an engineer who needs to decide which is the ethically correct path to take?

  What tools are there for an engineer who needs to decide which is the ethically correct path to take? In designing products and processes, engineers frequently encounter scenarios like the one just described. Nearly everything an engineer designs has some health or safety risk associated with it. Often, as with the case of the

What tools are there for an engineer who needs to decide which is the ethically correct path to take? Read More »

How then does an engineer decide whether it is ethical to work on a particular product or process?

How then does an engi- neer decide whether it is ethical to work on a particular product or process? In designing products and processes, engineers frequently encounter scenarios like the one just described. Nearly everything an engineer designs has some health or safety risk associated with it. Often, as with the case of the weak

How then does an engineer decide whether it is ethical to work on a particular product or process? Read More »