civil engineering

Can Codes and Professional Societies Protect Employees?

Can Codes and Professional Societies Protect Employees? One important area where professional societies can and should function is as pro- tectors of the rights of employees who are being pressured by their employer to do something unethical or who are accusing their employers or the government of unethical conduct. The codes of the professional societies

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Codes of Ethics

Codes of Ethics are labor unions for the elite, strictly limiting the number of practitioners of the profession, controlling the working conditions for professionals, and artifi cially infl ating the salaries of its members. An analysis of both models in terms of law and medicine would show that there are ways in which these professions

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Other Aspects of Professional Societies

Other Aspects of Professional Societies We should briefl y note that professional societies also serve other, perhaps less noble, purposes than those mentioned previously. Sociologists who study the nature of professional societies describe two different models of professions, sometimes referred to as the social-contract and the business models. The social-contract model views professional societies as

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Differences between Engineering and Other Professions

Differences between Engineering and Other Professions Although we have determined that engineering is a profession, it should be noted that there are signifi cant differences between how engineering is practiced and how law and medicine are practiced. Lawyers are typically self-employed in private practice, essentially an independent business, or in larger group practices with Chapter

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